
joined 1 year ago
[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Pixel 5 is my new phone, lol. I had the original Pixel, now the 5. One of my kids used the original one for a few months after I upgraded too.

I do miss headphone jack :(

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

It's ok, and getting better. My big problem with it is (like you) that Google Play Music was incredible, so good, and they discontinued it in favor of the much worse and awkwardly named YouTube Music.

Whoever convinced them to give up the branding of "Play Store, Play Music, Play Movies" should be drawn and quartered.

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Emmylou Harris wrote two that are so beautiful and so sad, if you need to cry, Boulder to Birmingham:

"I don't want to hear a sad song full of heartbreak and desire

The last time I felt like this, I was in the wilderness, and the canyon was on fire

And I stood on the mountain in the night and I watched it burn, I watched it burn"

And also in the same song she sings - "well you really got me this time, and the hardest part is knowing I'll survive" wow.

If that somehow doesn't work, Red Dirt Girl might.

"She loved her brother, I remember back when

He was fixing up a 49 Indian

Told her, little sister gonna ride the wind, up around the moon and back again

Well he never got farther than Vietnam, I was standing there with her when the telegram come for Lillian

Now he's lying somewhere about a million miles from Meridian "

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)


[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

My mom wasn't much of a cook but I loved when she made seafood boils, put newspaper all over the table and we ate it all with hands.

My dad made Chicken Kiev it was so good.

Maternal grandma made fried chicken, and gave us bags of pecans, she would sit on the porch with her boyfriend for hours while they shelled pecans and talked.

Paternal grandma I remember oyster dressing at Christmas, yum. And I remember her lighting cigarettes on the gas stove.

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I just wanna say I am sorry that it is near impossible for single dads to adopt kids. I understand the reasoning but want to cry because there are kids who need parents but you can't be the parent to one.

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

I had two terrible toddlers, but once they were kids they were cool. Two who I guess will get a midlife crisis, because they never caused trouble as kids or teens. The rest I got when they were teens or older and while not all of them (bio or other) were academic superstars or high performing athletes or anything, they were all reasonable and interesting and diverse people by teenage years.

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago

I don't remember my mom being motherly, and asked her about it once. She said "I don't like kids." I said"but you have so many kids!" And her reply?

"Well, I like you all now, I knew you would grow up, kids don't stay kids, they grow into people."

Good on you, live your life on your terms!

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Oh my God I would never want to BE a kid again, it was a nightmare. But my kids say they enjoyed it ok, and weren't as uncomfortable as I was. Maybe it skips a generation.

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

My mom said once that if everyone waited until their life was perfect to have a kid, that was the end of humanity. There is never a perfect time.

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 23 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Kids for me. They have improved my life more than anything else. Having the first two pushed me to go back to school and get a real job. I got more when my ex & I split and I married a guy with kids; we have a staggering number between us, most were teens or older when we got together and they are all close now, so they have a network of family to help and socialize with. The youngest is almost done with high school so we are in the final stretch of having them at home. The Thanksgiving feast here is insane, so many people, chaotic and fun.

Now - having said all that, I always knew I wanted kids, not necessarily to birth them but to raise them. Babies are adorable , little kids blistering cute, teenagers so much fun and occasionally helpful, and then they grow up and are actual people. It is work I find fulfilling and it helps the world to have educated, sensible, open-minded people. Most of my kids don't want kids themselves and that's fine! Everyone has their own life to live.

So for me, kids. For you, whatever you want, I don't think it's essential to become an adult and don't think it's the only way to get a family either.

[–] RBWells@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

Water with electrolytes? I got unflavored electrolyte drops for times I fast, and for my kid who has to do band camp in the summer here. You can get flavored ones too, I don't like them. Dilute them more than the bottle says to, sometimes a splash of lemon.

Topo Chico and orange juice is great, if you are just looking for something that tastes good.

Ask your doctor if it's safe for you to take creatine, that certainly helps muscles retain water.


Roast beef & cheddar with onion, homegrown arugula, and horseradish on homemade rye sourdough with olives. Potato chips are my junk food downfall. Iced water (not shown) to drink with this.

The bread obviously went sideways not up when I baked it but it's lovely, dense and springy, great sandwich bread.


Our wine & cheese course at Thanksgiving. There were also baguettes, out of frame. Wine is 2015 Baron de Brane, it was good! I don't always like wine but this one was delicious. The big wedge of cheese with a line through it is my beloved Humboldt Fog.


I am enjoying this series so much. We are only 2 episodes in and it's just so creative. Only watching one a week as I understand it's sort of depressing but it is gorgeous.

New Pokemon (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by RBWells@lemmy.world to c/lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world

In my news feed today. Apparently Google has a sense of humor after all.


I love Neal Asher's books, found him a long time ago in one of those "year's best" collections of short stories from the library (though the ones with fantasy and horror were always the best, I think I read every single collection for every year and found so many good writers that way.)

They are full of action, good characters and worlds and ideas, sweeping and huge settings. Feels almost more like watching a movie to read them.

Who among us likes these action packed stories?


Since there's a Manga thread, what other comics do you like?

I read a lot of comics (after they are collected into graphic novels, need a season at a time to enjoy them) & loved:

Black Science

Paper Girls





Come shake things up, then drink them! Cocktails have arrived on Lemmy. Share your favorites, and your failures. From classics to the fanciest hipster drinks, to things you mix in a 5 gallon bucket and regret for days, all are welcome. Come have a drink with us!

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