
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

What is the problem they're so pragmatically a part of? And how do you pin both the content creators needing to eat and the reasonable take of that commenter on the poor Marketing executives who care about neither but just want--actually what do they (end goal of marketing, literally, semantically) want, in your eyes while you're at it? It is their (the marketing execs) side I take it you're on, since the commenter you replied to is part of the problem and the creators do "an ad is an ad" things?

Challenge; remember capitalism exists in the world as it must as the beginning of your answer (but if you can make it vanish and it all works out by the end of the answer, that's cool too as lots of us are looking for that one).

How is that other commenter part of the problem, actually part of the problem suspect?

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

You haven't experienced slow until you try to take Firefox through Google Cloud Console or Search Tools. 15 seconds in Chrome, somehow turns into 3 minutes in Firefox, funny how it does that.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

For some, a temporary lack of self growth; for others, certain mental illnesses. It's as awful as it sounds if you really sit and imagine. The self awareness needed to rise above some of that? Many will live and die never having reached it.

The misguided brain can hang itself up on nearly anything, and for many it's the semblance of validation. There is quantifiable pain behind the need to interact for some people.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (6 children)

The problem my agnostic ass meets with good ol' Epi is the disingenuousness inherent in assuming "Godly" rationale to "human logic" semantics. My dude, people can't agree on human meaning and I'm supposed to make assumptions on God?

Why test if It knows the result of the test?

Geez Epic Manster, I know they didn't have spring mattresses in your day but the mattress factory also knows the result my mattress should have gotten at testing but tested it anyways...because the testing provides the necessary shape.

I still maintain my agnosticism and keep my two extremes whenever I don't feel like just being sure it's all bullshit anyways:

If God exists, it doesn't care for our suffering for reasons wholly beyond us (like a greater suffering of its own and why not, it's shit all the way down).

God exists, cares, is a bit sad, but we're all fucking mattresses where the cosmos is gonna poke, prod, and simulate fucking atop of us until we reach the appropriate factory required settings.

I already had coffee tho, so the middle atheist ground is in effect; none of it real, nothing matters except trying to not be total cockwaffles so everyone else can enjoy their nihilism too.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yes. You have successfully read my mind. This is entirely in line with me as a person and how I have presented myself online.

I hope you're proud of yourself for your insight, it was my pleasure to be your Judas this morning.

I see why you need to ask on here instead of outside in your community.

Edit: Forgot to add, no need to engage further. Consider me silenced, enjoy your discourse.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

No. But you at least need the ability to conceptualize the possibility of empathy existing if you can't feel it directly, in order to excel in any of those things (petulant assholery included).

It's also a requirement to have truly nuanced discussion; I fear you are wasting your time in this discussion and if it's not clear why, it's because of a failure of imagination on your part.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Staple satire; filling, reliable, but a little hammy. 5/7 with rice?

[–] -5 points 2 months ago (2 children)

So it's probably not a big issue. I'd like input from non-binary speakers of those languages though; since I'm not non-binary myself it's possible that my view is incorrect.

I'm only a native Romance language speaker (Spanish) who is both an ally and an amateur wordsmith.

Due to this, I'll not pretend to go into any depth of why you're wrong per the zeitgeist of Spanish youth today, but will instead give you the more or less settled informal solution (The RAE isn't likely to add it officially):


[–] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Because it can't recognize my face to give me my special tissues for my special face, duh? Do you think I can just use the non-machine learning enhanced custom* oil soaking face tissues?

*Feature only works with an online connection to a server in Slovenia owned by a shell company in Brazil whose parent is based out of Switzerland.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago (1 children)

This is what is never explored well in the thought experiments. It's always evil or paper clip maximizer.

Never "Wow y'all profoundly stupid in ways you literally never could conceive... Anyhow, behold the power of supra-human sped up benevolence ass hats".

Granted it's not like anyone should hope for that and do nothing else, but it would be the suitably whimsical outcome for this backwards reality.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Get it straight, there is no struggle but the class struggle.

BIPOC here. Do I do that before or after I liquidate the useful idiots who got the brown shirt on for people-like-me-killing without questioning their billionaire masters?

Don't get it twisted yourself. You're not wrong in the nuance. But nuance is exactly what they took out back and shot first. Doesn't make the lies lethal.

I get your anger, as the stupid gets in the way of real conversations regarding race--that is, that it does not matter, class does.

By design dude. Yell out and disengage because of the "stupid" and you too become an unwitting catspaw in the class war.

Fuck the ATF. ACAB Fuck over reach that takes autonomy for anything other than protecting the autonomy of others.

Fuck the dragons but more than anything else, fuck the willingly complacent and the empathy pretender.

[–] 15 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Love the vibe and energy against pretense for pretense sakes, but your source makes you seem demented as it literally repeats exactly what they said if you read it.

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