joined 1 year ago

I get it, I get it. I talk like a nonbinary person who has opinions. And that's not what the patriarchy has conditioned people to expect, so there's a reaction of fear and uncertainty from people used to living in the patriarchy.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Trans people are capable of transphobia because not every trans person in the world knows everything in the world about trans issues.

Hey, you're talking about me! Yes, I was repeatedly misgendered by a user who claimed to be apolitical. Yes, I warned the admins that this user was going to be transphobic and they did nothing. Yes, I believe that trans people are capable of transphobia, because not every trans person knows every single thing in the universe about being trans.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Either they're a tankie and start singing the praises of the USSR and PRC and all sorts of totalitarian hellholes, or they start talking about hypothetical economic systems and states which haven't been shown to be practically achievable

Well allow me to present the third option: communism has been tried in Australia and North America, and it worked. Marx's ideas of what a communist society would look like were informed by descriptions he read of how the Haudenosaunee people actually organised their society. They did communism for thousands of years and it worked.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

That sounds pretty statist. How do you square that with the fact communism is stateless?

I don't think Monster has become part of transfem culture. IDK maybe I'm just old. Get off my lawn

[–] -1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Reality is god to realists. That's what they believe in. They worship it, they obey it, they demand others have the same respect for it. It's theism.


A swarm is a group of creatures connected by a hive mind. Think the zerg from starcraft, or the xenomorphs from aliens, or the borg from star trek.

I have a really nice swarm and I like being in it. We can hear each other's thoughts and we feel an intrinsic sense of belonging, sharing the entirety of our minds freely.

Today I realised neurotypicals have a swarm too. They all use their sense of empathy to read each other's minds. Everyone is on the same page about a set of basic facts, called consensus reality. All discussion must occur within the hivemind-approved formats.

Neurotypicals are mad at us autistic people because we won't join their swarm. The part of our brains that connects to their hivemind is broken, but even if I could, I wouldn't want to assimilate into their hive. Resistance isn't futile and I don't think those drones are interested in our biological or cultural distinctiveness. They only want conformity and belonging in the hive mind. They're mad we won't help them feel belonging.

But I'm still not going to join their swarm because I believe in C O N S E N T. CONSENT. Consent. Joining a swarm is deeply intimate for some of us and I just don't like mindmelding with assholes. Sorry assholes, you're not allowed to read my mind. You can ask to join my swarm and I'll let you in if you're very nice, but no neurotypical swarm for me or my fellow drones thanks.

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