Drought resistant crops, heat resistant corals, and rot resistant bamboo, please.
I wonder if the Lemmy liberals are going to call you a transphobic troll for this comment
How can he tell if women are vaccinated before he buys them?
I think this meme might spur people to be less likely to vote democrat. If the midterms still exist in a year, I want the Democrats to win them so Trump can't keep destroying America so quickly.
I think all of us know, the electoral college needs to go. We need a national popular vote.
And why are planes falling out the sky after they got rid of DEI?
How dare you say those things about my mother? I'll have you know the chemical number for carbon is 6. You're a fool for believing that vaccines cause autism.
Are we playing the accuse people of having political views they don't have game? Okay okay! My turn!
You're a posadist. You want to encourage global nuclear war so society will collapse and communist aliens will save us. And I think your ideology is silly and look down on you for following it!
Yeah, Hamas stinks. They don't follow international law at all. Their oppressors should have been a better example to them and taught them how a legitimate government behaves.
I don't like this meme
I wanna see a politician campaign on creating a weak economy.
Crash the housing market! Make the billionaires lose money! Collapse the oil industry!
No, you're right, I was being paranoid. Everyone on Lemmy accepts otherkin, xenogenders, and neopronouns.