
joined 1 year ago

We are at a point where this is rapidly becoming the only solution left to combat the rampant corruption. Especially in regards to the courts.

[–] 26 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (6 children)
[–] 12 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

At some point you have to make a choice. Either grab a hose to help put out the fire and fix things or you stand on your high ground, praising yourself for how noble your intentions are as everything around you burns.

High roading only works if your opponent has a conscience and can understand guilt. The side that is playing with matches and gasoline this whole time has shown very much that they do not have one.

And to address your original point, yes there very much is a difference. One side is doing things for tye sake of hurt others or progressing a goal that is downright evil and tyrannical. Your doing it to protect the people they're trying to hurt and to oppose their tyranny.

Will it be clean? No... but anything worth fighting for has never been clean. The world isn't just black and white. And the idea that stooping to anothers level makes you the same as them is about as binary as you can get. The world is filled with nuance and a whole range of colors that needs to be observed

[–] 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

That's cool that Londoners all live so close to each other and have a city built around public transportation. Unfortunately as someone who lives in Texas a car really us practically mandatory. Our Urban sprawl is large and it's not something that can or will be easily fixed even over multiple lifetimes. To give an idea of what it is like over here, the nearest grocery store is a little over 3 miles (~5 km) away from where I live. There is no bus route within a 2 mile (~3km) area of me that provides transportation to that area.

The public transportation we do have is lacking in availability, accessibility, and coverage. and while there are ongoing efforts to update it. These updates primarily apply to the inner parts of the large cities and rarely cover the urban living areas where people actually live at. And these living areas are frequently very far away from where public transportation is available.

The main problem is that Texas cities are just too expansive in size for public transportation to currently be effective. This isn't even factoring in how long commutes would take to be for some people even if they where somehow magically available tomorrow.

For example, many of my co-workers on my overnight shift live far enough away that commuting to work in a car during the dead of night on an empty highway road where they drive 75+ mph ( 120+kph) still takes them an hour or more to arrive to work daily. This is consider a common and even somewhat normal commute time and distance in Texas. If they had to take public transportation they would be looking at an over 2+ hour commute everyday at best. So that is not really a viable option for them.

Im really happy that Europeans have more dense cities and don't have to deal with the same problems we have. But it honestly gets tiring hearing everyone say public transportation be the solution for everything in Texas. Yes it would very much help and efforts are being made. But due to how Texas cities where laid out and planned with urban sprawl in mind multiple decades ago before even my grandfather was able to give input. We can no longer have public transportation be a viable option for a large segment of the people who live here.

What Texas needs is both public transport AND better highway road planning, for example more exits and on ramps, more alternative routes to free up congestion on major feeder arteries. Not more lanes on the same congested routes, off ramps, feeders, etc.

Sorry for the rant, I just fucking hate the traffic here and it's causes have become my mini soapbox of annoyance

Or a neat way to power a deadly laser ray gun

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Having played both games, I gotta say while DRG does have hordes, they're not on the same level as HD2. HD2 is the first game in a while that truly has made me feel overwhelmed by the amount of enemies thrown at me and I love it. In HD2 I even find myself doing stealth a lot to sneak past patrols.

Overall though I don't think it's worth it trying to compare DRG to HD2. They might look similar in some aspects. But they are vastly different in gameplay, experience, and mechanics. It's apples to tomatoes, sure they're both technically red fruits, but that's where the similarity ends.

Not the guy you replied too, and my memory is also fuzzy, but I always love how crazy and analog nes hardware was. Im like 70% sure that later in the nes lifespan they made it to where cartridges had more rom and could shuffle the data banks/tables around and that the nes could only process something like 32kb at a time I think? So they would just swap around the data sets depending on when they where needed.

Almost like one of those choose your own adventure books... Im probably horribly wrong in that summary and analogy though. It's been years since I last got a refresher on nes tricks lol

Honestly Buchanan wasn't a great president, but I don't think it really would have mattered what actions Buchanan could have taken.

By the time he got into office civil war had all but been guaranteed as decades of kicking the can on the issue of slavery, combined with increasing resentment in the divide of the north and south culturally. Had created a powder keg that arguably was lit back during the start of bleeding Kansas years before he even became president.

And with how stubborn the south was on not letting go of slavery, well there really was no diplomatic solution by then. Hence kicking of the can all those years prior. Maybe he could have enacted decisions that delayed the war, but it would have only been a delay.

The only way civil war could have ever been prevented is if the founding fathers had told southerns to pound sand and outlaw slavery back during the signing of the constitution. That or maybe if the cotton gin had been invented a decade later

[–] 2 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Buddy you're trying to nitpick something that no one cares about that still has the same result. At the end of the day the people will still be eating the cracker in a business zoned church.

Whatever beliefs or arbitrary labels are held behind the gesture do not matter at all to what is being talked about

Thanks for the reference that blaster also looks really cool! I might have to copy you cause that gun looks sick and Im jealous lol. Right now I got an AR10 chambered for .308, I like it for hunting but for target shooting not so much. A 556 variant would probably be a lot better for that

I feel you on the mag size, 30 rounds aren't banned where I'm at either and they look nicer (especially that stormtrooper white you mentioned, oh man that'd look so cool!) but I also use a 10 round cause of how much better it feels and makes it easier to use.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Yo where did you get your AR from? I love the star wars look!

You're talking about inheritance though. Inheritance also works likes that in the US as well. But inheritance is a whole different can of worms legally than what is being talked about in the article and even then what debt does and doesn't get passed on is fuzzy. Sorry about your loss though

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