
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 week ago

If you know it was the most recent rsync command: just type !rsync.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Plastic on its own is not evil. The problem is single-use plastic. Tupperware lasts decades - I've got a few containers that mum bought 40+ years ago. Hard to imagine that she was younger than I am when she bought these containers, and they outlasted her.

No argument that we have a plastic problem as a society; but I don't really see Tupperware itself as a part of that problem.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I am typing this comment on a Pixel 7. I have had it for nearly two years and I have never experienced these symptoms.

The only app I can think of that doesn't load in under a second is Asphalt Legends - and that's because the app takes a week to load on anything.

I am very satisfied with this device, and doubt I'll be upgrading to Pixel 9. I have no reason to upgrade.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I thought the tradition was that people were slapped across the face with a trout? Times have changed.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)
[–] 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Did you honestly think from my comment that I didn't know who Yoko Ono was?

I was saying that whatever noises she makes, she isn't a singer. Therefore she doesn't qualify for a mention in the "worst band or singer" category.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Is there a band called Yoko Ono? I ask, because I'm fairly sure there isn't a singer.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

The problem with this is trust. If you could seamlessly migrate like this, there's nothing to stop someone faking a long post/comment on their own instance, making them look very legitimate and then migrating that account to a trusted/legitimate instance.

Then using that for spam/selling block chain etc.

People are the reason we can't have nice things.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

Unless these implied nations include New Zealand, Canada or similarly laid back countries, I seriously doubt I'd be shocked.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago
[–] 7 points 1 month ago

What would be the point? Reddit doesn't make any content. They're just a platform. If they go ahead and paywall subs, those subs are going to have a tiny potential subscriber base. Therefore, they will be less attractive to post to (smaller audience, fewer upvotes etc).

About the only place I can maybe see it working is AskHistorians. And you pay the Historians to answer the questions. Which would of course reduce the amount Reddit takes from the paywall. Doesn't seem worth it, to me.

Even then, I think the Historians would rather reply in a new free sub with wider readership than take $20 for putting in three hours of work responding to something. They do it because they're passionate. Not for money.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I was a mad Opera user about 25 years ago, it was the best browser by miles at the time. One feature it had was mouse gestures. Mouse gestures and uBlock origin are the only two extensions I can't love without, but these lists never mention them so I feel like the only one who uses them.

It's hard to explain how cool and quick it is to be able to control your browser with the mouse. Open/close tabs, navigate tabs, back/forward etc. It doesn't sound useful, I'm usually a mad keyboard shortcut fiend. But with web browsing in particular, your hand is already on the mouse, scrolling.

The specific extension I use is Gesturefy, I encourage people to install it and give mouse gestures a go.


I stumbled across a sports article from a US publication and thought it interesting that it showed the USA leading the medals table.

Instead of the regular table that gives weight to Gold, silver and bronze, they just see total medals.

I sorta like it. Celebrating all medal winners equally is nice. It feels a little like fudging the numbers, though.


Super sad case. She tried to kill him to ease his suffering. If he'd been on the record supporting her decision, I think the sentence would have been very different. And she lost him to natural causes anyway. 😞


On the one hand, it makes it really hard to stay motivated with the teeny contribution I make to reducing emissions.
On the other, think of how much of a difference these 57 companies could make if they actually reached net-zero targets.


I'm sure this whole article comes as a shock to nobody, but it's nice to see it recognised like this.


Ok, so here's my newest phobia. Happily driving along a bridge I've crossed over a thousand times before, only tonight I'm suddenly in the dark waters below!


Try and get past the fact that this is sort-of about Facebook. Because it's more about the demise of news than it is about Facebook, specifically.

news organisations were never in the news business, Amanda Lotz, a professor of media studies at QUT, said.

"They were in the attention-attraction business.

"In another era, if you were an advertiser, a newspaper was a great place to be.

"But now there are just much better places to be."

The moment news moved online, and was "unbundled" from classifieds, sports results, movie listings, weather reports, celebrity gossip, and all the other reasons people bought newspapers or watched evening TV bulletins, the news business model was dead.

News by itself was never profitable, Professor Bruns said.

"Then advertising moved somewhere else.

"This was always going to happen via Facebook or other platforms."

It's a really fascinating read. We can all agree that independent journalism is valuable in our society, but ultimately, most of us don't so much seek news out as much as we encounter news as we go about our day.

I'm sure the TL;DR bot is about to entirely miss the nuance of the article. I recommend reading the whole thing.


I don't think this movement really got off the ground in WA, we never really had the lock-downs and remote working culture introduced through the pandemic that the Eastern states got. Still, this makes for fascinating reading.


I get that WA is financially far better off than 2017 projections.

What I don't really understand is why it is so unfair for WA to get back 70-75 cents per dollar its populace puts into GST.


I picked up a couple of pairs of jeans at the end of year sales.

I paid $20 for one pair, down from $110. Does anyone actually pay that $110? That sounds insane to me.

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