
joined 11 months ago
[–] 20 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

Mind asking your future connection to fire up Stanley Parable for me?

Let's see what fuckery they baked in.

[–] 4 points 8 hours ago

I backpack it. Mines not exactly huge, but it's enough, and easy to lug around. If you hunt around, you can find some fun ones. I picked up mine from a metaphysical shop.

They can also be a fun way to express yourself a little, hang things from the zippers(I have a Sword-mode Kirby on one of mine), pins.

[–] 18 points 12 hours ago

What fucks with me these days are the less gory ones.

Like watching a woman's hand get caught under a rivet press because she thought she would be quick enough. Safeties failed, no one could hit the kill switch in time. She's lucky she has use of that hand left, at this point.

[–] 68 points 13 hours ago (6 children)

I have a love/hate relationship with the safety crew.

They're why I have to waste time each year rewatching the exact same shit, but equally, I have seen too many incidents of someone ignoring the protocol and getting severely hurt.

[–] 4 points 18 hours ago

Warm up some garlic naan, then plop your pasta on top. I think it turns out better than a tortilla.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

There's just a mild dissonance between that title(which is an awful thing, hopefully they all land on their feet after this), and the happy as fuck Disney Magic Kingdoms image.

You happy about this, Mickey? Does this please your cold corporate heart? They shoulda tied you to the anchor and left you for erased, you sick rat.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

So, uhh...

How'd you taste? They leave good reviews? No weird diseases, properly cooked?

And how much?

[–] 31 points 1 day ago (4 children)

They won't until they absolutely have to.

Which at this rate is fucking never.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

Hell, I'm an oldass, I remember seeing people talk about Linkshells with certain interests on the forums and in-game. FFXIVs sense of community has been awesome for a long time, and they've only improved it from what I've seen.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

I'm trying to get my own hands on it, but all of her cookbooks are in boxes that currently reside with my grandfather's new wife, who has made it her mission to piss on everything of his old life, even his family.

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Do... Do people exist without the Rocky Horror soundtrack living in their head?

That is some prime virgin activity, which means we need to hold some Games before the show starts.

[–] 9 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Funnily enough, the men in my family are the cooks, normally!

My step-grandmother, though... She knew how to bake. It didn't matter what she decided to make, it would turn out delicious. She refined a Black Forest cake recipe from scratch, I've never had another one like it. The moistness of the cake, icing just rich enough to make a statement, cherries that were the perfect ripeness.

She ruined that cake for me. I know a part of it is the memories, all the time wrapped around when she would bake that, but if I had one wish, it would be to have one more slice.


Came across these three Bandai Quick model kits while out and about. They looked adorable, so they came home and got built.

Honestly great for beginners/kids! Pieces pop out of the frame easily, they're fairly easy to click together, and decently solid for snap-togethers. You can at least pick them up without everything falling apart, though Mew is finicky about staying upright in its stand. Young kids would probably need help with the stickers, and maybe with getting the eye pieces slotted into place.

Going to keep my eyes out for the rest of the line, now.


My wife surprised me with the two-piece Mothman and the NB placard she found at an event as an early birthday present! She got me the trans heart last year.

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