
joined 2 years ago
[–] 8 points 8 months ago

Russia wants to attack NATO so bad, they went to war with the one country near them that isn't in NATO.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

If too many people find out about this place, big tech will shut us down. Which, they're going to do eventually anyway but what can you do?

[–] 13 points 8 months ago

Something something free speech is back

[–] 13 points 8 months ago (5 children)

When I was in the Navy, one of the most common things you ever heard about women is that they fucked someone to get a certain job or get off the watch list. What you never hear is how many higher ranking guys basically forced them into sex for blackmail.

[–] 7 points 8 months ago

If there's one thing I've noticed in these last few years, it's that most people don't care that dystopia and tyranny exists. They only care whether or not the "good guys" or the "bad guys" are in charge. Epstein is a good example: A man runs an international child prostitution ring, and 90% of comments about it are "I bet [politician I don't like] was involved and [politician I like] tried to stop it!"

[–] 8 points 8 months ago (1 children)

"Trump is going to start World War 3" from the same people begging Biden to nuke Russia.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

It's okay. I think the bulk of it's popularity comes from Omni-Man and the Viltrumites so interest will probably drop off if they don't appear for too long.

[–] 16 points 8 months ago

I'm really looking forward to Biden trying to claim that he suddenly can't do anything because of Congress when we just established that Congress has no power anymore.

[–] 22 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Literally just NYT telling the truth: Ukraine is losing and morale is at an all time low. This somehow correlates to them taking money from Putin to publish lies.

[–] 28 points 8 months ago (1 children)

My favorite part is how they admitted who he is and what he did thinking people would mindlessly support the mueseum of a fascist.

[–] 5 points 8 months ago

This whole collective punishment mentality is why Libs are so cold about Palestine.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

I have no sympathy for these people.


Ron is more concerned about people looking for food and supplies after surviving a disaster than the actual relief for the disaster.


The entire "joke" is that the evil Chinese are spying on you and you should be afraid of them. At this point, I that every TV show over here that gets really popular is obligated to start blasting pure propaganda at the viewer.


You can really tell it was and still is being written by bigoted WASPs. Aside from the obvious monarchism and the Empire being portrayed unilaterally as "The Good Guys" (at least until Skyrim), I've noticed for a long time that the backstory is riddled with genocides and ethnic cleansings.

Almost always human on elf (the inhuman other), and almost always treated like a good thing. Usually it's the noble and physically superior Nords who just so happen to be blonde haired, blue eyed vikings. And when it's not them, it's the psychotic child killing robot man Pelinal Whitestrake or Tiber Septim using a time bending superweapon to annihilate thousands of Altmer for the crime of checks notes successfully defending themselves from his Imperialist bullshit. I think it's insulting that the victims of what can only be described as oppression are now painted as the Nazi-esque villains because the alternative would be making them way too sympathetic. That's not even getting into how they treat the Orcs and the Beast races.

We talk about how guys like Tolkien and CS Lewis wrote a lot of racist undertones, and then Bethesda says "Fuck that" and just makes the ethnonationalism a plot point in all their games.


I am going to preface all of this by saying that I am a bit assmad about the situation.

I found this viral video that's been going around of some dude interviewing a couple about a Hall Pass. The girl excitedly says that she'd do it, the guy looks confused. That's fine, funny even...until you scroll down. Pretty much all the replies are that she's a wh're, he should leave her, calling the guy a c'ck, some people acting like she should be publicly shamed or stoned for daring to answer the question she was asked. Like no action was committed this is all part of an interview.

When I saw this I was really disgusted and kinda shocked by how strong the blowback was. But then it hit me: There is nothing that unites a bunch of asshole men quite like "woman bad." Even a woman talking about her sex life labels her as a harlot that no one should even associate with. Meanwhile the dude that asked the question doesn't get a second look because there's a woman being uppity or something.


Putting aside all the Elon Musk drama, this stuff is just annoying to have to see. "I hate the far left !and the far right." First of all, false equivalence, secondly like that's such a bold statement. Newsflash: Everyone hates extremists. I defy you to find a single person who likes them. But more than that the problem is how many people quietly believe far right bullshit and think it's normal. Most Nazis aren't goose stepping Hitler cosplayers, they're just bigoted people who don't see themselves as such. The kind of people who claim to be centrists that "hate both sides" are just fashies who are afraid to be upfront about it.**

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