
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 1 year ago

In the immortal words of Shredder...."They're baaaabbbiiiesss!"

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Get him. Crush the fool.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I love Mastadon. :D

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Open-source provides cool things all the time. For example, allowing that some prefer KDE (totally valid preference), I personally feel like Gnome is the greatest desktop environment humanity has ever created and every six months it keeps getting better still.

[–] 14 points 1 year ago

Sorry, but your healthcare is in another castle.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Would this be an appropriate place for shocked pikachu?

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

This is a big help and makes a lot of sense! Thanks! :D

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

I remember keenly how the day after January 6th, even Republicans knew what happened. Then when they saw their psychotic base wanted to remain blind and stupid, they developed a convenient amnesia.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

To quote Picard, "The line must be drawn here! This far! No further!"

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

They kneecapped Linux in the early days because they were afraid of what people accepting FOSS as a standard would do to their profits.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Steamdeck 2 is all I need.

[–] 75 points 1 year ago

If you believe it and keep using Unity for new projects, you're kind of a sucker.


I know that motivated people can generally crack encrypted saves, but in general, if I have some saved dictionaries which I don't want the player to be able to access directly, is an encrypted save the best way to handle this, or is there a better way?


I'm just curious about this. As someone with a chronic illness, I pretty much never hear anyone talk about things related to the sorts of difficulties and discrimination I and others might face within society. I'm not aware of companies or governments doing anything special to bring awareness on the same scale of say, pride month for instance. In fact certain aspects of accessibility were only normalized during the pandemic when healthy people needed them and now they're being gradually rescinded now that they don't. It's annoying for those who've come to prefer those accommodations. It's cruel for those who rely on them.

And just to be clear, I'm not suggesting this is an either or sort of thing. I'm just wondering why it's not a that and this sort of thing. It's possible I'm not considering the whole picture here, and I don't mean for this to be controversial.


I asked a job related question the other day on here and got some really helpful answers, so I was hoping you all could give me some further insight into this.

Basically, I have a chronic illness which means I spend most of my time at home and I'm largely disconnected from other people and don't really have anything in the way of references. I've owned my own business for the last several years selling products online, but that business has been declining for awhile and I'm looking into customer service type jobs that I could do from home.

If a company asks for references, how would I work around that?


So I developed a chronic illness years ago. It makes working outside the house pretty much impossible for me. I ran my own business for a good while, but it's struggling. I have all kinds of random skills and abilities, but I don't really see how they fit together in the context of employed work, so for all intents and purposes, I would have to consider myself as someone with little experience regardless of what I might do.

In the meantime, I've been studying web development, and that's probably what I'm going to try to do, but I was just wondering what other realistic possibilities are there out there for someone in my situation? I just want to see if there's anything I'm not considering.


I'm just kind of curious how people perceive various art styles for indie games.

Say you had three indie games which were otherwise identical in terms of gameplay but one was pixel art, one was hand drawn and one was 3D. Which would you be most inclined to buy? Also, suppose the price started going up for each. Would you feel like any of them would start to feel like a better or worse value at certain price points?

Let's assume that the art styles are competently done for each and for the sake of simplicity, generally appealing to you. Any other thoughts you might have about this would be interesting to hear too.


I used to do Wordpress development and the short of it is, it wasn't profitable enough to be sustainable for me. These days, web development is more of a side gig for me and I'm no longer using Wordpress. I don't necessarily need to make a full-time income with it and I'm certainly not looking for high pressure, high stakes projects, but I was wondering where the best opportunities are for freelancers these days and what would be best skills/technologies to learn for those sorts of jobs?

Also, as a more specific side question, are things like Hugo and Jekyll much in demand these days as far as freelance goes?


I'm not new to programming, but I am somewhat new to web development and I'm trying to figure out the most preferred way of taking a standalone header from one html document and adding it to other html documents without code duplication. If possible I want to do this with Javascript so I can learn with more basic tools before expanding further.

I've researched this a fair bit, but the advice is a bit confusing since it either seems out of date or possibly not the most secure way of handling things. Is there a preferred way of doing something like this?


It's a pretty common thing on the internet to see somebody relating a story about someone acting in an inconsiderate way and the response is usually something like, "Well that person is a total piece of shit."

I'm fine with using those kinds of words. What I don't get is why people are inclined to go full tilt in how they express themselves rather than using the full range of meaning that words provide. It's like, if you go straight to calling things a piece of shit, how do I know whether you're genuinely upset about something versus, mildly annoyed?

We have all of these linguistic colors and yet things are so often painted in black and white.

Why is this?

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