
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 6 months ago

I'm one unfortunately. It just happened to be during a time in my life when I was intensely religious. It's my one of my top three all-time regrets. Now I'm not conservative, not religious and I wish any affiliation with that awful school could be scrubbed from existence.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

I'm not a business, so it doesn't apply to me.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Explain how I'm the product relative to Linux.


I'm working on a game which involves characters doing path-finding and interacting with each other. My first impulse was to use navigationagent3d for this, but I'm running into issues which may or may not be related to my current understanding of the usefulness and intended purposes of naviagtion agents.

Basically, the agents should be able to walk up to each other and do a little push which should have a knockback effect. The knockback method works in isolation on standard character bodies without the navigation agent added, but seems to not be calculated by the agents.

The knockback is being added to the velocity with a lerp that quickly brings it back to zero. Again, that works fine on units without navigation agent. I'm wondering if this might have something to do then with the set_velocity method of the agents? Is there something about that which would prevent them from interacting with each other using the knockback?

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

I think that may work! Thanks!


I have a min and max position of an object and I want to represent an arbitrary point between them as a float between 0.0 and 1.0. This feels relatively basic math, but I can't quite figure out what I need to do with this. Is there a special name for this sort of thing? Also, are there any built-in methods that would be useful for this?

[–] 17 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Please bring back Overwatch 1 the very next day.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago

Thanks! This is a big help!


I've seen several different methods for accomplishing this, but I was wondering if there's a way of doing it that is best? Also, somewhat related, but is delta in milliseconds?


I'm not terribly proficient with making materials yet, but I was wondering if something like this is doable and if so, what it might involve. I basically want to make a part of a creature appear beneath the ice in 3d. but I don't know how to approach it or what I should be looking at.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Well crap. I could have sworn I saw it on that very post....I might be mistaken then. At the very least I did see that it was one of the more requested features on their feature tracker.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Never used it!

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

This is amazing. I nearly Lalafell out of my chair when I heard.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (3 children)

proton drive for linux is on the roadmap.

[–] 12 points 11 months ago

Proton is google as it should have been. Proton the white if you will.

[–] 26 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Just a reminder that if you're using ai to write your book, your book has less worth than your last dump.


I have a wall in my 3D game which is relatively thin and it can be hit on both sides with objects that may occasionally be moving somewhat fast. Is there a reliable way to ensure that the colliding objects will be stopped on either side of the wall as opposed to simply passing through?


I'm trying to make an action where the player can pick up and throw a rigidbody3d. I want the object to act like a rigidbody when not in the player's hands, but when it is, I want to set the rigidbody position to match a marker3d which is a child of the player.

What's the best approach to something like this? Should I be using integrate forces here? I'm not sure I really understand when and when not to use it.


Not sure if this is the best place for this. If not, I apologize. I just want to understand Lemmy better.


I was just looking at jobs and saw Sony was hiring for a Narrative Design Lead position. I was just wondering, what the Junior equivalent position would be to this? Like what would it be called and what responsibilities would it entail?


I'm trying to make something in 2d where once the player reaches the end of the level, they're back at the beginning and it just keeps going like that. I could imagine how this could be done in terms of setting the player position, but if I have a scrolling parallax background, how would I make that match up reliably?


I was seeing a video on common tricks FPS games use, and one of them was having the weapon render on a higher and/or separate layer to avoid having it clip with other objects in the world. How would something like this be done in Godot?


I'm trying to use a tween to change the position of one of the points in a line2d, but I'm not sure what the syntax would be for this.

This is what I have: tween.tween_property(line, "points", target_position, time)

Obviously this doesn't work because points has more than one point to make the line. If I need index 1 of points specifically, how would I do that? Or do I have to address it as a whole PackedVector2Array?

EDIT: I found the answer to this in case anyone else stumbles across this. You use colons, like this:

tween.tween_property(line, "points:1, target_position, time)


I'm trying to make a 3d flight controller with a more arcade feel (think Ace Combat or Rogue Squadron). I'm somewhat new to working in 3d in Godot though and I don't really understand what methods I should be using to achieve this.

I want up and down to control pitch and left and right to be something of a hybrid roll/yaw. I'm setting direction to -transform.basis.z and multiplying that by speed, but when I use rotate_x() with the pitch, the plane itself rotates, but I only move flatly across the world plane rather than climbing up or down as I'm attempting to achieve.

What am I missing here?

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