
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 9 months ago

Apple doesn’t process the transaction, a different payment processor does, Apple just provides the API for developers from said payment processors to implement in their app.

The current closest thing for tap to pay for consumer to consumer payments is NameDrop then using Apple Pay Cash through iMessage however this is a less seamless method and is only available in the US. I can however see Apple expanding the tap to airdrop features to Apple Pay Cash in the future, perhaps with iOS 18.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

As an Authorized Retailer technician having the back glass be replaceable is so nice. For the older models we just replace the whole frame the glass is attached to rather than only replace the back glass so it makes repairs not only easier but something that can actively be done at our store(as we dont keep frames in stock).

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

It's simple, during the pandemic they couldn't have workers come in but they couldn't have just no work force so they pushed for work from home and made it seem like a big positive to keep money flowing into their pockets. Now that they can have people come into the office they need to justify their leases and justify their middle management oversight so they need people coming back to the offices. It's not about whats convent or comfortable for the workers, it's what can make them the most money and justify expenses as to not spook investors. If the company could cancel even half of their leases they would and have most everyone work from home and maybe even cut back on middle management. However they got 20-30 year leases to save money(in month to month payments) and it'd be really expensive to exit the deal sooooo justifying the lease is more important.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Technically Facebook is still called Facebook, it's the parent company (IE who owns everything and who is listed on the stock market) that's now named Meta. However it's a similar situation to Google and the parent company Alphabet, No one calls google or google connected products Alphabet products because it's not meant to be what you refer to it as.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

A major problem with voting in this country is that it's not a national holiday, If your working minimum wage you likely can't afford to take the time away from work which means politicians that campaign on a higher wage lose preventing a wage rise creating a loop. The people that are best suited to vote are those that are well off and retired and statistically they lean republican because of people not wanting to help others disadvantaged while seemingly forgetting that they used those programs to get there. People working at minimum wage or even generally low wages and paycheck to paycheck just can't afford the time to vote and their best chances are mail in voting which republicans know, that's why they're pushing so hard against them to make it as inconvenient as possible, because if its easier to vote in person and the people you don't want voting cant vote in person then you just eliminated them from the voting pool by circumstance.

There is also a lack of push for midterms and local elections, the presidential race is very big and public and made a whole spectacle, like you can still remember the 2016 and 2020 elections but be honest with me, what can you remember about the campaigns of the 2018 midterms. The 2022 midterms were basically an exception to the rule because the abortion ruling happened so close and it created such visible lines in the sand but I truly think if the abortion ruling happened in February 2021 not long after Biden got into office the turnout for 2022 midterms wouldn't have had as big of a turnout because it wouldn't have been in the public mind quite as much, the debate on abortions is still big but its mostly shifted to individual states rather than country wide at this point.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

Threads automatically adds all your instagram follows so for creators they don't have to try and rebuild their audience on a new platform where as for users they don't have to find all their friends/family/and creators on a new platform, its just there. There is also the ease of signup, if you have an instagram account you just log in, if you don't it's really simple. For Mastodon there's different servers to pick and then you have to find your favorite creators again and it's another login to remember.

TLDR people are lazy so go with the option that is easiest for them

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

They likely coded it all in quickly in a messy fashion that they didn't think about ways to disable any of the tracking in the EU and that's why is not available there at launch. While Meta has plenty of software engineers to get jobs like this done the speed they supposedly went to get it done(Being start in January launch in July) likely means things got rushed as it supposedly wasn't planned to launch till later this year but with twitter imploding Meta wants to get as much of the existing marketshare moved over quickly with instagram being the perfect way to make moving seem easy.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

It's likely also due to the populations living in southern states, another big part of the population in southern states are those who had jobs in the mining industries or people retiring, the biggest things the republicans are pushing are bringing back mining and making sure that people get to keep their money(such as lower taxes) where as democrats are pushing for a cleaner environment(so miners blame them for losing their jobs), and major infrastructure plans that could take a while to pan out(so people retired see that and don't want higher taxes as they already got their grain and don't want to pass it on).

This is an over generalization and there is other major factors but these two groups are significant sections that the republicans are appealing to where as democrats aren't such. Democrats might be able to get big wins if they could campaign on programs to help mine works get new jobs and revitalize the economies in mine towns and maybe some more programs for people that have retired so they feel they are getting more then what they're putting in.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Serialization is only on certain parts so things such as housings or charging ports still have good value and serialization is on a specific chip so while those parts do sell for less, a skilled repair technician could move the chip over assuming the whole part isn’t fried and it’s just damaged. There is less value in locked phones but there is still material value and they often steal the phone then get the phone number for the device and try to trick the user into removing the device or phishing their Apple ID as find my doesn’t require two factor to remove, only the password.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The exploit would be on Apple’s backend servers rather than on device, with some jailbreaks you can bypass activation lock but your unable to use Apple services or even some functionality such as cellular. For an activation bypass there either needs to be a backend server exploit or an apple employee working with the service.

I can only vouch for Apple certified repair technicians but we need to have the customer provide proof of purchase such as a verified receipt and we can fast track the unlock process by sending it directly to the iCloud support department but we can’t unlock the device in our store and we can’t even take the device in for repair if the customer is unable to prove the device is their own(generally this is just unlocking the device or logging into their iCloud account and checking that the serials match but a original receipt also works)

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

The Apple Arcade version is a seperate app meanwhile the paid version will remain available, it seems like the only difference is that diagnostics data isn’t collected in the Apple Arcade version

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Ok so basic question you should be able to answer then how do you stop a foreign government from spying on other countries citizens? WhatsApp is not just a western world app. For example it’s used in Russia and the US and the UK so if Putin went to Meta and said “I want everything you have on Ex prime minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson and you can’t tell them” what reason would meta have to deny his request if the precedent by the UK is that this data needs to have a back door and if you say then the user should be notified then anyone under investigation is just not going to say anything incriminating and if it includes old messages then you risk the political espionage if anything is shared under the assumption everything is end to end encrypted. What about trade secrets, a corrupt government official could get a companies trade secrets for a business friend from anywhere in the world.

There is a great video by Tom Scott that talks about this exact situation when the UK tried to break encryption 5 years ago but that failed because it wasn’t feasible from a security standpoint. There is also a great episode from Last Week Tonight talking about encryption and government attempts to get around it. We’ve seen from things like the Pegasus malware that repressive governments will use this little break in encryption to jail protestors and journalists and spy on their political rivals, having an official way will just make it easier.

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