
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 2 days ago

I'd love for another wigs to Republicans moment in the US with the democrats, however I don't think that will happen due to a lack of framework for a left party to emerge. Also I think liberals would rather sink any emerging leftist party in their death throws rather them jump ship from their own party.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago

And dems are gonna still vote with them I bet. While liberals will blame the left even as they're carted off to new Trump Aslyums for a Twitter post that got them labeled under "TDS".

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

This has the op blasting in my head now... thanks

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

"Your opinion isn't ideologically consistent, and your just using this rhetoric as a bludgeon against communism rather then judging things on how that relate to material reality."


Every time.

[–] 0 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I've been recommended Palo Alto before by fellow Californian comrades. Any suggestions on where to obtain it?

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I love how their response was functionally "nuh uh"

"Veneer of improved material conditions"is wild when there's clearly been an increase in real wages, purchasing power of the average Chinese citizen, technological and infrastructural advances implemented across Chinese soceity.

Things that have direct measurable increases and decreases which clearly illustrate an improvement in quality of life for the average person are only illusionary changes to material conditions.

Of course anything they say afterwards should be dismissed, they are not living in reality yet are staunchly declare that their ideological commitment is to materialism. There idea of improvement to material conditions is thusly incapable of being reflected by measurable or observable phenomenon, but instead a subject of theoretical interpretation where their own scrutiny is absolute.

[–] 24 points 2 weeks ago

I feel this in my bones. Previously I used to concede that the Muslim world and its leaders were corrupt, as it's quite obvious many do not have the best interest of their people (you will never get me to praise the UAE or Saudi). However I've stopped conceding this point because of a couple reasons.

  1. I was able to reflect on the fact that this tendency of mine was based on an internalized embarrassment for being Muslim in the west which I'd yet not reckoned with. I've since then largely addressed this unwarranted shame and would like to help the rest if my community confront it where I see it is prominent.

  2. Why should I concede that every single Muslim country is in any way less trustworthy then the West without forcing the one essentially claiming that to prove it thoroughly. It's not my job to do a comparative analysis on a claim that they make without evidence.

  3. The US has shown it is far and away more diplomatically hostile to countries who don't toe their line then China is. They've actively overthrown governments across the world for the last century over the premise that it was in the "American" interest. These countries have every reason to be more inline with the US out of fear of retaliation then they do with China. Countries like Türkeya are known for funding acual separatist groups who operated in Xinjiang, along with originally spreading the Uyghur myth. However China does not have icy relations with them, how exactly does that say China will punish your country for saying something regarding their domestic affairs.

So I've stopped conceding the Muslim country corruption talking point because it's utterly nonsense in the conversation relative to reality. Westerners have no business butting into and commenting on the affairs of Muslim countries. They can shove off and let our community discuss it ourselves, but until they do that, those conversation get delayed.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago

I think the term "can" is doing some heavy lifting. But I've met quite a few people from the YDSA which I'd easily call comrades. If individuals such as those continue to gain influence in the DSA I can definitely imagine them to be a much greater threat to the ruling class.

A good rule of thumb is assessing whether a local chapter us more focused on unionizing workplaces or of pushing through electoral reform. The chapters attempting the former are often more principled then the ones that spend their efforts doing the latter.