I heard blighttown is great for going on a trip as a single guy this time of the year.
No but I fucking hate geforce experience and the fact that I need to have an Nvidia account to use the features of my hardware. Now I can remove that garbage app from my pc, thanks Valve.
Publishers at the slightest inconvenience: We are getting review bombed.
I think you mixed up galaxies moving away from each other, and a galaxy's stars etc. moving in space.
As per Einstein's relativity theory, gravitational force has infinite range. So there will always be some pulling force between galaxies, which means they would eventually slow down and and eventually start moving towards each other. But our observations suggest that they are moving even faster day by day. So there must be some force that is stronger than gravity and it must be somehow pushing objects.
So gravity by itself doesn't explain the speed increase of universe's expantion.
How would the gravitational forces weakening accelerate the expansion speed? It would at best "not slow it down", you can't explain the speed increase with this logic. That just sounds wrong. Am I missing something?
Pretty sure it's Linux, based OS. Lol
Why are you getting downwoted man, getting segfaults in safe rust is on compiler not us. When you segfault in C and such it's almost always your fault, if you manage to do that in rust it's a bug in compiler.
Yeah you are right on that but there still are many backdoors on plenty of applications that are made by American companies. We also know that some agencies wanted to put backdoors on linux kernel etc. In that case why would you not trust an open source app, and trust a closed source one just because of the nationality of developers
I mean the same thing can be said about the USA, also if there are that many problems why don't you just check the code, it's one of the main strengths of open source software.
Still waiting for Fallout 4 New Vegas.
Since spotify was increasing the price AGAIN, I was willing to give Apple music a chance. Guess what, many of the soundtracks I listen to are not available in my country. Like why would you block it I already pay for the thing just let me listen to it. But I guess they just know better. And now I'm gonna selfhost my music just like I selfhost movies and tv shows.
Yeah, me neither.