
joined 1 year ago

Started playing #BLUD, I'm only about ten minutes in because sleep got the better of me last night but it looks pretty good so far.

Seepage is one of those bands that just sticks in your brain. If you like the tongue-in-cheek of Zane's angsty edgelord teen vibes, the developers also made a doomlike in the same universe, developed by and starting that character.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 12 points 6 days ago (1 children)

She is running 95 MPH to keep pace with the speeding vehicle, instead of them both being stationary as the first panel implies.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 30 points 1 week ago

Literally 90% of my problems are because billionaires exist. My rent is too high, groceries are unaffordable, my car is one dashboard light away from breaking down. All of these problems are solvable with the money that billionaires extract from my labor.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 10 points 2 weeks ago

And working until dead, don't forget that. Big factor in the whole depression thing.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 6 points 2 weeks ago

Work still sucks, haven't found another job, but we're supposedly getting acquired by a larger company and that's going to trigger a restricted stock unit payout. I've been here for a while so maybe I'll get a nice chunk of change out of this debacle before I get fired.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I actually really like the SNES game, it is objectively not great though. You can't even save, so emulation is a must unless you can dedicate an 8-10 hour sitting to it.

Particularly that it switches between top-down outdoors and a pseudo-FPS indoors, and the claustrophobic interiors and darker music give it a lot of charm.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 2 points 3 weeks ago

I do nice things for other people when I'm up to it, but I hesitate to call myself a 'nice person' because niceness isn't necessarily an intrinsic quality, in the same way that I can be a transient dumbass at times without thinking of myself as an idiot.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 8 points 3 weeks ago

Respecting the LGBTQ+ community.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 8 points 1 month ago

I think the seven seas be particularly fine this morning, arr.

[–] LoamImprovement@beehaw.org 7 points 1 month ago

Yeah, it's incredible how the 'seethe and cope' crew never get called out on being shit-stirrers and directly attacking liberals, but the minute you make a joke about convicted felon Donald Trump, all of a sudden cries for 'unity' and 'civility' come out of the woodwork.

Almost like they're massive hypocrites who never gave a flying fuck about unity and use crocodile tears and both sides-ism to avoid accountability for the things they say and do.


I was talking with a friend today about Hallmark movies because we all seem to have at least one grandma who loves them around this time of year, and we're hashing out the tropes they all share because they're so formulaic that you could probably boil it down to a mad libs prompt, and something dawned on me because of one particular similarity, not in every film, but a lot of them - the Heroine quitting her high-stress executive job to move to a quaint little town and settle down with Mr. Right. It struck me as deeply misogynistic that the movies imply she can't have both and that her career goals aren't worth it compared to getting some dick.

The other side of that coin is, in almost every single one of these movies, the guy is a Prince who needs to marry, or secretly loaded, or otherwise financially stable unless the plot revolves around his family whatever on the brink of closure that the Heroine steps in to help save the day, and he's shown to be a good-if-distant dad to his kids, if he has any, but needs help raising them because work keeps him busy, or his nanny's retiring. It's never implied that he should be the one giving up his lifestyle to be a better partner for her; The only thing Mr. Right is ever doing wrong in these movies, if anything, is just not already being with her, and I get that these films are basically wish fulfillment fics, but she is always the one who has to make a change for him, to basically be a stay at home mom, or step closer to it than she was at the beginning of the film. Does anybody else see that? Am I wrong in thinking that's absolutely fucking greasy?

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