
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You guys are all the worst, I would never want to work with any of you. Do everyone a favor and grow up.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

Nice post, Kyle Judd from Kentucky.

[–] -5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

So is this for real, or is this just so you guys can have an inbox you can easily ignore?

Has anyone here actually talked to the admin team and gotten a response back?

Every day I look at the modlog and see the same names doing the same bullshit.


I know the prevailing sentiment for a long time in the privacy community has been "DAE Youtube bad?" though I have always thought that it is kinda overblown. Besides, I am using Firefox which is supposed to isolate tabs so they can't speak to each other, so I felt a small amount safer using Youtube.

You can take my post with a grain of salt since all I have are anecdotes, but can anyone else confirm encountering creepiness similar to my experiences:

-Typing anything in another window that is not my browser, sometimes these words seem like they get picked up by the Youtube suggestion algo and then boom, I get suggested videos based off of those keywords. Recent example, I was copypasting the words "trans" and "talking" over and over for some nerd spreadsheet I am making (read: not transgender purposes) and what do you know, transgender videos about "How to change your voice" start popping up in my feed. Please know I have zero interest in transgender politics/culture/anything, it is not something I have ever searched for or engaged in online. Possible that Youtube is reading my clipboard? Reading my keystrokes?

-Listening to an album via VLC, while Youtube is open in my browser. Suddenly, more tracks from that album start showing up in my suggested feed. Possible Youtube is reading the titles of other apps current open on my machine? (VLC changes its active title to the name of whatever file is currently open)

-Have a Discord channel open in another tab, people there start posting things I am uninterested in and don't click on, but lo and behold, videos related to those things start appearing my feed. Tbh, I am the most jaded about Discord's privacy security because there is probably a direct communications pipeline between the Discord and Youtube where they link accounts to each other, even creating shadow accounts similar to how Facebook does. So while not surprising... still at least a little bit creepy, yes?

edit: let me add a small bit of context. I use Youtube all the time as my personal version of Spotify. Adblock+Youtube still works for me and is very nice. So all of my Youtube video suggestions are always music related. If anything weird shows up in that feed (you know, not music-related stuff) it sticks out to me immediately.

edit2: thanks for the replies, even if you are disagreeing with me. I promise you I am not the person downvoting everyone lol.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

You actually sound stupid if somehow you read "underpowered" and then immediately jump to the conclusion of:

Why can’t I attack this clearly heavily armored enemy with a small calibre weapon and killed them instantly?

[–] 7 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Players: "Why not just make all of the underpowered weapons actually useful in high difficulty?"

Arrowhead: "Go fuck yourselves, lmao rekt"

[–] 12 points 7 months ago

To be honest, it's not particularly great. But it sucks less than Reddit, so....

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

I hear this argument from people who played the background prologues and thought those were the major decisions in Cyberpunk. Mild spoiler alert to anyone who hasn't played: they are essentially short tutorials, not major storylines.

[–] 30 points 1 year ago (12 children)

Yeah, this was torture in grade school. I figured it would get better in middle school.

Then it was torture in middle school and I thought it would get better in high school.

Then it was STILL torture in high school and I thought it would surely, surely get better in college.

Then I got to college and there were still mofos reading. like. this.