FR. Beg God to destroy capitalism instead.
If we can make light solid, does that mean we can finally save daylight physically? 🤔
"We were never allowed to live in my old school!" - Phoebe
It wasn't intended to be like it, but in a way it did have some of the same ideas. It did have the camp clearing parts with what was supposed to be a pretty sophisticated AI faction system. But the system never really worked as intended without mods, so the whole faction battle system just felt super scripted (like, nobody would come and take back control points after you capped them, even though they were supposed to until you completely destroyed the opposing faction). It's even more fleshed out (and actually works) in Clear Sky. Which is why CS has been my favorite STALKER since it came out.
Trojan Matroska doll. Layer after layer is removed revealing more dolls, until the very last one which contains a single dead enemy soldier. They didn't have room for more, and forgot to put breathing holes in the dolls.
If they can change the page to a message, then they probably have the access needed to redirect the URL.
I've beaten Doom and Doom 2 using no guns. Surely it can't be harder than that. (Though to be fair, through most of the original games you technically don't even have to kill anything and I know that isn't the case with the newer ones)
Hey, Anonymous: You should make the url redirect to Mastodon.
If they were in space, those uniforms will make them effectively invisible.
You bet your ass I'm filing a report over it. Those things are expensive and they also aren't available all the time. You need to get on a waiting list for some models.
Real life Wirrâl.