
joined 11 months ago

Peaches - I Don't Give a Fuck

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Man I Loved the Strike games when I was young, definitely going to be looking out for this one.

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 2 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

So I don't think it's the only solution, or that anyone that doesn't care for C# is wrong or anything like that, but it is a suitable language for large segments of development and is both a good career and, in my opinion, rather pleasant to work with. Looking at the languages listed in that list you shared, I see a lot of C, C++, and Java, which I have no interest in working in again unless i have a good reason for it. The other languages there are fine but I never had a big interest in Go (Google's language) - it seems fine, but in my area I don't think there's much of a community around it.
The .NET community is pretty active where I live which is a plus, there are lots of jobs in the language and lots of professionals that are proficient in it. I'm going to try to avoid sharing too specific of information, but I've used C# in industries from healthcare, to automotive, to HR, to fitness. There are absolutely no shortage of companies using the technology - according to Statista, it's the 8th most popular language, and they are including SQL and bash in that listing. I'm not sure I believe that data, but it was the first result I clicked in a very quick Google search.
I agree that popular != good, but if we are going to use "what companies are doing," there are clearly plenty of people that have found it to be the right choice for their projects.
I will say that if your last exposure to .NET was like 5-10 years ago, it's worth taking a look at what it offers now - not necessarily to use it yourself but to at least understand that it does bring a lot to the table. I tend to see a lot of people that make references to C# as it related to .NET Framework (e.g. "you have to use Windows") that haven't been the case since .NET Core came out in 2016. I will absolutely agree that it's not always the right choice and there are aspects to the .NET world (Microsoft has the most obnoxious versioning - .NET Framework up to 4.x -> .NET Core up to 3.1 -> .NET 5 up to 8). And I fully get not wanting to work on it because it's Microsoft because everyone has their brands that want as little to do with as possible, but it is a good object oriented language.

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 5 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)

It very much depends on what you're trying to do. C# is pretty great for developing APIs, especially in an enterprise environment involving a lot of business logic. I don't have much of an opinion on Django as I haven't spent enough time looking into it, but I have looked at enough Node.js code to know I don't prefer it for most of the projects I've been involved in.
My Python experience is largely based in working with things like Raspberry Pis, and relatively simple jobs where Python made the job pretty easy. I don't know enough experience with larger Python projects to have a feel for what good architecture in a complex application looks like.
With C#, I can go into a large application using good practices and quickly navigate the code and be productive.

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 18 points 4 weeks ago (6 children)

I work in C# and I find it highly preferable over working in Java or C++.

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 2 points 4 weeks ago

Modern .NET (i.e. .NET Core and later) is cross platform. In fact, .NET APIs now are routinely run in containers not based on Windows.

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Is the token not keyed to a specific source? I would have expected it to operate similarly to an SSL cert, where part of the verification process is that the source is the correct origin that the token belongs to - so if someone just lifted a valid cert to put into a malicious one, it would catch anything from changing a single character in the project name to changing the repository host (i.e. GitHub to GitLab)

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

Actually, a lot of banking apps can be used to transfer money now, it's just done through Zelle. We can also do a bank transfer using the routing and account number (at least with my banking app) but that I think takes longer.

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 35 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

I find it interesting that with ASD, there is (apparently, from this discussion), a tendency to be concise to the point of meaning being potentially lost but explains as quickly as possible, while with ADHD (which I have), there is a tendency to over-explain and be too verbose. With ADHD, we tend to worry that our thoughts aren't clear enough for others and go to great lengths to make sure our meaning is understood, which has its own problems (like people getting exhausted with us for our long windedness).

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Bart Bonte's games are really satisfying. The only one I didn't personally care for as much is Sugar Game, but all of the colors are fun little puzzle games.

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago

That game was way better than a clear product placement game has any business being.

[–] JustAnotherRando@lemmy.world 9 points 3 months ago

Regardless of material, I hate the mentality of replacing your wardrobe every year. It's just so wasteful.

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