Well I wasn't planning on hating you but due to my compulsive contrarianism we are now bitter enemies. See you in Hell and have a nice day!
Hao did you like it?
I do hear she had quite the radiant personality.
Similarly to how the old crone said I'd be the one to rule the world but in reality all I do is fix sorting machines.
You sticky pickle - AJR
Sorry if you get a double reply, I wanted to confirm what I said. But yeah, on Sep. 2nd retired general and 24th national security advisor for the president, Mike Flynn, was on Infowars claiming Liberals planned to have 8 years of Obama followed by 8 of Hillary.
These people are so desperate to be oppressed.
I mean now it just seems like you're trolling. Literally the only time I see Hillary come up these days is in right wing memes and whining. Maybe we just live in different dimensions.
Not even a good meme. It reads like every conservative mass of buzzwords they call a joke.