
joined 1 year ago
[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

Whentember juneteenth

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

Honestly the “after” sounds like some sort of surrealist comedy skit like out of Portlandia or something.

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 8 points 3 months ago

Angela from The Office.

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

Maybe I needed to add an /s?

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

Same here. I spend all my farthings at the taffee shoppe, or the cobblers.

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world -1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Spez threw it away because he’s a libertarian tool. He doesn’t care how he gets the payout as long as it’s not ‘collectivist’. This commie shit your’e spouting in this post would not impress daddy Elon. GTFO.

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I get your point and you’re not wrong, technically . Technically that is what Reddit is trying to do but you need to remember that this is Reddit. They fucking suuuuuck at everything.

I remember years ago a disaffected ex employee wrote something about what it’s like to work the and in just remember thinking to myself: “Imagine going in to work and they call an important meeting, all hands, to discuss “brigading” and then, without an ounce of irony they proceed to sternly discuss this important topic.”

Just imagine those little snot nosed shots puffed up with so much self importance discussing how these “brigades” are destroying their “bastion of free speech”.

I thought I was going to pule in my own mouth again just typing this.

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 21 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Hey have you guys heard about ChatGPT 7? It makes chatGPT 6 look like ChatGPT 5!

Who ever thought the AI awakening would this fucking banal?

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

The true halcyon days were before the Digg migration. Sorry, I know most folks on the site and very likely here too were part of that diaspora but it’s fair to say that Reddit was very different and yes: better before that.

[–] Hackerman_uwu@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I think your (pretty solid) point got swallowed whole by your unnecessary “the lefts corporate media” spiel.

Next time just make your point clear and let it stand on its own.


So after a run in with a moderator yesterday I’ve had some thoughts I felt I wanted to share.

I won’t name them here, you are welcome to look at my comment history and make up your own mind.

In this instance a user posted some misinformation. I don’t think they intended to, they merely perpetuated a myth, they clearly simply knew no better.

I tried to respond diplomatically, they doubled down, other users piled on, the downvotes are plenty and then I responded with an article citing evidence supporting my assertions.

I also stated that the burden of proof lies with the claimant and asked for some context on why they seemed dead set on the lie they were aping back, asking if they subscribe to other myth based beliefs, religions, etc. That post was unceremoniously deleted with no notice to me and no reasons given… until the user pointed out in another post that they are the sole mod of the community and warned me that they were “not afraid to ban” me should I “cross the line” in a very *‘I’m the sheriff of this here town’ *tone. Which gave me a chuckle.

That’s my side of the story, it’s all there if you want to draw your own conclusions. It really doesn’t matter who is right or wrong in a ‘someone is wrong on the internet’ spat but I did spot a chink in the fediverse through this incident.

The real point here is that this kind of behaviour is one of things that made Reddit fucking awful and I’d hate to see it flourish here in the fediverse.

I don’t have the solutions just some suggestions that I’d be keen to hear others opinions on:

  1. No moderation without representation. IOW: mods should be democratically elected.
  2. Mod elections should be annual and no mod should enjoy that status for life.
  3. There should be a mechanism for inducing a ‘no confidence’ mode election at any time otherwise the communities are likely to splinter into “real_” communities just as they did on Reddit which no community in the fediverse can currently afford.

What say you my brothers and sisters and everything in between? Is there a way to safeguard against cronyism, corruption and other frailties of the human ego?

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