
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 8 hours ago

I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting by "Values of the Fediverse", but I was pleasantly surprised! It focuses on what over the decades seem to be the core values of Open Source software movements, such as openness, independence, and freedom to use the software how you choose to use it. Just applied to the concept of social media. Which makes sense.

My main home account is on not ( or another Lemmy instance) because that is how I've chosen to associate, and I can. And I could spin up my own instance, and federate or de-federate with whomever I choose.

This isn't a novel concept, has a page on "The Open Source Way" which espouses transparency, collaboration, "Release early and often", inclusive meritocracy, and community. I remember reading "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" back in the day, and Eric Raymond seemed to extrapolate several values or principle from the open source model.

The free software movement does implicitly have positions on "political" topics. Right to repair, DRM, and privacy come to mind immediately. These shouldn't be seen as being "Left" or "Right",

[–] 14 points 1 week ago

The whole Fediverse is still a little on the niche side, but if growth continues, I think this is exactly another development. When you work for Company X, your work email is usually, likewise I would expect official Fediverse presences.

Where it will probably take off though is when somebody starts selling corporations a turn-key solution. Kind of how products like Outlook took over corporate email.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

The police also knocked and only entered after he answered it sounded like. While certainly armed and probably prepared for something wild, they didn't force entry with guns at the ready.

Once again, mostly comparing to videos of US police interactions, which is kind of weird as a non-USian commenting on a German police interrogation. Would be curious to see an "audit the audit" type review of this.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Respect. Only through destruction can we be purified.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I've been complaining about printer support. It's pretty much the last piece of the puzzle for a school focused SD.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Thanks to KDE on the SD, I've switched my main DE on my desktop. Still have a soft spot for XFCE, but KDE Plasma on the SD was polished and was very "coherent".

One thing the SD is missing for being a complete "serious" computer is printing support. I'm sure I could it installed, the SD is eminently hackable, but a Flatpak solution or a Steam default solution would really justify using a SD in Desktop mode for school and work.

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Pretty much. Musk is far from a free speech absolutist as he proclaimed himself to be. I would go further and say he's substantially worse, unpredictable and inconsistent in free speech matters.

Old Twitter would hardly be a true paragon of free expression, but they were at least relatively transparent. Good luck getting any answers from new Xitter or any consistency.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago
[–] 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)


For purposes of this post though, RFC 3339 and ISO8601 are identical. Dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD, so 2024-08-29 is both RFC3339 and ISO8601 compliant.

Not an expert, just spent around 2 minutes looking at

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The standard I recall being established back in the nineties as to whether strong encryption was even legal in the US was "substantial non-infringing use" or similar. It's been awhile.

The problem with key-escrow or anything similar is that any proscribed circumvention is also available to the "bad guys".

I think Telegram's stance would be that they can't moderate because of strong end-to-end encryption. Back in the day the parallel would have been made to the phone system or mail.

Of course this is all happening in France, so I have no idea what the combination of French and EU laws will have on this, but I would still broadly expect that if a parallel can be made to mail or phone, Telegram would be in the clear. The phone company and mail service have no expectation of content moderation.

I guess we'll see.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (2 children)

VAX/VMS was still around then, and as far as I recall, that was the king for uptime.

Linux back then supported much less hardware. I can remember even in the early aughts, there was while families of popular wireless network chipsets that weren't supported.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Sounds fair. Everyone back to the pre-2014 borders. Even Stevens.


No eShop? No problem! We've had a bit of luck with used games not at "collectable" prices, but we've discovered hShop and CFW.

Still have a R4 card as well, and it's great that he is able to experience some classic games on the original hardware.

With all the news around Yuzu (and Citra) recently, it just reminds me about the importance of "Piracy" in game preservation.

Thanks to this community for existing, and the extensive FAQs!


cross-posted from:

When I first found it, it did also give an entered building message, but I haven't managed to test it in a storm. I'm currently distracted in my Permadeath run looking for more of these ... structures?


Down to my last task ("Hot Blooded"). Even though there wasn't much plot in Voyagers, this was one of my favourite Expeditions the first time around. I remember the first time around, I got stuck on finding a suitably hostile world, but I think in this Redux, the "Eternal Garden" (paradise world), "Unwelcome" (hostile > 84%), "Corrosive Blood" (creature with low blood pH), and lots of others were completed in the starting system.

I figure I just need to go back to the hotter worlds and start scanning critters I missed the first pass, and I'll be done.

One thing I liked about the first run of Voyagers is that there was almost two months to do it the first time around. It was billed as "relaxing" and it was. I nearly took the full two months, but I swapped back and forth between my main save and Voyagers, until I finished with a week to go (trouble with "Unwelcome" as I recall). This Redux is 10 days, which is longer than the other Redux ones, and they seem to have strategically placed the Rendezvous to help complete, but a little bit longer would have been a little bit nicer. Or at least more relaxed.


I started my save within an hour of the expedition going live. And spawned in a storm, with multiple hostile critters. I died twice in two minutes, deleted the cursed save, and tried again. Did better, but fell into a cave system killing critters (with a mining laser), and got lost… before I could build the Terrain Manipulator. After 20 minutes, I deleted the cursed save, and started again. Third time's the charm! Much better start, even grabbed some Storm Crystals for later right at the start.

Needed to get some work done, but I've gotten a couple of hours in since yesterday, steady progress, having fun stumbling around, but I can see I'm going to get stuck looking for Crystal Sulphide. I don't think I'm anywhere near the ocean, although I see 3 underwater creatures on this world so there must be some somewhere. I've got the Minotaur built, but that doesn't seem the best way to search for ocean, it's a little slow. If only I had a spaceship… oh wait, that's what the Crystal Sulphide's for.

Also, got killed again, by one of those evil teddy bears that jumped me while I was killing a couple of the crystal spider dudes. Was close to my base, but still! Embarrassing.


Just started the new community expedition, so first real taste of the Echoes update. I think my starter freighter crew are engaging in some light piracy on the side. My standing with the main system race keeps ticking down every so often, and I gain rep with the Outlaws faction. At least if they are going to go rogue and loot merchants, they can cut me in for a piece of the action!

Didn't see anything in the patch notes.

From :

@Kaymorak @Grimpen It’s a bug. Whenever another player engages civilian freighters, they gain standing with outlaws, and lose it with the local race running the system… And the bug makes ANY player in that system gain and lose. :P

It’ll hopefully be fixed in the upcoming patch, which is in test.

I've stopped this happening so much by parking my freighter in quieter systems. Without a steady supply of salvaged frigate modules I haven't upgraded my freighter much anyways. If your freighter isn't somewhere where other players and you are at the same time, it should hoist the Jolly Roger.

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