Yes, that's the one. Sorry I didn't include links
My current list is: AdGuardHome, Bazaar, Change Detection, CloudTube, Excaldraw, Filesbrowser, Ghost, Golink (Tailscale), IT Tools, Libreddit, Lidarr, Memos, mStream, Nginx Proxy Manager, OliveTin, OpenBooks, Overseerr, PairDrop, Pigallery, Pingvin Share, Plex, Prowlarr, qBittorrent, Radarr, Sonarr, Statping, Stirling PDF, Syncthing, Tautulli, Unmanic, Whoogle, WikiJS, YoutubeDL-Material
Not sure if this will work in your use case but I use OliveTin for automating docket commands. Link here
I installed docker using the Debian instructions as I manage from the command line. I have one system drive and one data drive. The data drive is setup as a share with all of my media. The main use case for me is Plex and the *arr services. I have an offsite backup of my media. Hope this helps
I did something similar when I moved from my Synology NAS to a Dell Micro PC. I choose open media vault which is built on Debian. It works much faster that the NAS
Another vote for Cloudflare as suggested by many others
I have tried numerous dashboards but that I use Tailscale on my devices, I just use golink