
joined 3 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children) Hear about what the leaked secrets from Discord really were. I am shocked that such a liberal channel is the one giving me the facts this time! Perhaps some liberals still hate war after all.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

that may be it. thanks for clarifying that. but, that is almost the same as officially entering a war - an announcement of it. There are Russian channels I follow (one is RT) and I sometimes still hear the 22nd as the date on those videos. I suppose it is a petty point when thousands are dying and millions no longer have a country...and WW3 could break out.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I think I read it replaces 60% of Russia's gas for Poland - so, still big money. But, the USA and IsraEl have 'generously' offered to ship gas to Europe - always 'helping' out.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I think both Germany and Russian had almost equal sums (HUGE money) invested in those pipelines. This attack was as much on Germany as it was on Russia, i.m.o. The Germans were annoyed months ago about being pressured by other countries and for the last month or so their own people were putting pressure on them, too. I guess you all know about the Polish-Norwegian (a Scandinavian country anyway) pipeline being opened the very day after Nordstream was hit?

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Russia said the 22nd and I remember the date, too. Not sure why the date matters, but for some reason, I think it might. OH! I think it has something to do with an anniversary of some sort - maybe something to do with an event in Donbass. Perhaps it was the 23 there and 22 here - half a world apart, so 12+ hours apart?

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

WOW! He said it! They appear as saviors offering their democracy, but were the ones who caused the problems. Here is the video link from the article you posted:

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I wish them freedom and contentment. The UN is one of the larger globalists organizations. When I was a teen, I thought the idea was great, but not now. If we all - all over the world - fought for our freedoms all at once, they couldn't stop us. Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, unions that want to split up/secede, you name it. The UN troops cannot be at all places at the same time.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

tell me then why the word Beijing no longer comes up in Chinese web searches? Why has China suddenly greatly increased their firewalls? Why do Chinese people call XI a dictator? I hope the Chinese can get their freedom in a peaceful way, but I foresee lots of bloodshed - Chinese killing other Chinese. VERY sad.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

it is about to get far, far worse and the WEF itself has 'warned' us of it. ANY tool can be used for good or bad, of course. Where are America protesters against nuclear wars? I see all of the European protesters in videos, but no Americans. Yet, it is Biden and our evil leaders who are beating the war drums. George Soros alluded that we will go to war with China soon - he seemed to say in 2022, because his January address to his Open Society said this year will be a very, very important one in history records and he also barely mentioned Russia, yet was quite focused on China.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

you can't be for Hillary or Joe and be anti-war, either


"If you live ... – and some of you will not – we’ll see what possibilities, as of now literally unimaginable, might then exist. But you will need to be personally fit to take advantage of them. You will also need to be part of some kind of sustainable community of likeminded people." written here:

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

glad to see that they dislike or distrust the World Bank. I only partially agree with their reasons why, though

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (5 children)

| Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine

It was Feb 22. I remember it on the 22nd and so does Russia. Why does the western media keep saying the 24th over and over again. Repeat a lie or mistake often enough and everyone believes it?? The date may not seem important, but it's a fine example of how people copy each other


Open communication and debate as we know it will end when the digital ID/wallet is in full effect. Globalists plan to make us login to use the internet every single time - "for our safety". I'm an adult Uncle Sam or Big Brother and don't need to be coddled or controlled.


We need ti begin thinking of ways for technology to help us avoid this - before it happens. I disagree with crypto-currency being a long-time answer, because soon enough, it will be made illegal because cetnral banks won't allow competition against their CBDCs.


When I say us , I mean all of us - the entire world. Look at who the shareholders of the WEF are - all huge corporations. This is a fascist take-over! If you prefer the term "oligarchy", I am fine with that, too. What ever you call it, this new system is not to our benefit, but only for theirs.


I've recently seen that the term fascism is not agreed upon by anyone. This global movement is to keep people free and to keep BigBiz from micromanaging our lives. The upside down flag represents a nation in distress. All over the world, BigBiz has taken control over the people's natural resources and then sells it back to them. These companies have teamed up with governments and the team could be called numerous things: oligarchy, fascist, technocracy, globalist.. Regardless of what this alliance is called, the results are the same - keeping the people powerless. This is a peaceful resistance.


I've a bit of retail, car sales, and warehouse experience and am looking for a job where I can use Linux and have an excuse to improve my skills in Linux and tech. I use Debian.

I love efficiency, organization, and making systems faster, easier for employees and customers.

I am open to any tips you all can give me.

I have no certifications and am not sure that I am willing to get one at this point. If I had a job I loved and they loved me back, I might be willing to get a certification in order to advance.

I am hoping the little bit of Linux and tech that I know will be what gets me a job where I live now.


Anyone know if a self-hosted VPN is 100% secure?


You should easily be able to download the .zip file to get the files inside: There are 6 main folders and most of the files are .rtf, and .png, but there is a .pdf in there, too. I say this because .rtf cannot hide macros so should be safe to open. I think image, .docx, and .pdf files can hide worms/viruses. so try to not open that those --unless the other files are just too real to be considered a trojan horse.

A guy just told me this might be safer than converting it on my own PC; Aspose Words Free Apps ( Free Online RTF Reader/Viewer Online RTF Reader. Open, read, convert RTF documents for free.


There's a $60 lifetime membership fee, so I am reluctant to try it. Was hoping for reviews and to know more about their content - besides what the cover page shows. It looks like what i could find elsewhere.


Ukraine has a history, But, the deaths caused by the US and Soros make my blood boil.


WION is far more trustworthy than most MSM. However, still follow the rule of: Quesion Everything.

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