
joined 1 month ago

Was a mental health tech at a psych hospital. Ditto this, when it's the nurse's word against yours and the Ombudsman is already overworked and overwhelmed, you're cooked.

I tried to go to bat for my patients so often, but once the nurses and the aides burn out, they stop doing the job because they care and start doing the job because it's a job. I had nurses who told me to overchart patients so their insurance would pay more and they'd stay longer. Shady, shady shit.

[–] 6 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

Red Flag laws are used to remove guns from Trans, Latino, and Black people in red states too. It's not the solution to gun violence that people think it is. It was a good idea, but it ends up falling to paradox of the false positive and even being weaponized against minorities more often than not. It violates due process as well.

More comprehensive care for people with severe mental health issues and arresting and jailing domestic violence offenders their first time is more effective. Unfortunately, we just defunded public mental health, so...

[–] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

He sure does! And he's left-leaning because he was born half-White half-Black during Apartheid. His autobiography is literally titled "Born a Crime", and it talks about how utterly fucked and dystopian apartheid South Africa was. How he spent his life not only becoming a master of code-switching and comedy to survive, but fight back.

He's a badass. The man has my respect for life.

[–] 0 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Oh my GOD, the dude on the far right looks like he had his face turned inside out and stuffed like a third grader's first ever sewing project. Somebody at Build-A-Fash forgot to do QA.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Exactly. Just using an adblocker is like tying on a blindfold and claiming that the minefield has no landmines.

Digital self-defense isn't about ignoring trackers, it's about evading and disabling them.

[–] 12 points 3 weeks ago

I appreciate that you are standing for moral dignities like personal privacy. But understand, Google's entire business model IS surveillance capitalism.

Profits aren't infinite if the resource is finite. Eventually, they would have to dig the mineshaft deeper, take more material to sell more product. This is what happens when capital is left laissez-faire, it grows more tentacles.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I had friends raised in Utah. This is true. You might get a week-long unit at the high school, but otherwise, unless you have a GSA club, LGBTQ+ history is muffled.

But oohhhh, they'll talk about Pioneer History every year in History class.