
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Why are you making this into a personal attack? The dude even said your experiences were valid but you want to throw words in everyone's faces about your personal trials like that makes them equal, or likely more, "real". We see you, it's ok...

You were affected with eating oatmeal and whatever other very real for you ways, while your parents were affected in their own likely also very real and intense way. You were affected by the WTC.. we were nearly all affected. But unlike you apparently, I'm sure as hell not going to argue with someone who was there that day that I understand what they experienced or that the intensity is the same.

None of that means you weren't affected or you didn't matter and no one said otherwise. Stop trying to downplay the validity in his statement with your false arguments.

My own son has absolutely been affected by world events, these are things he will remember and relate in his own mediums just like we are now. And just like now there will be people who were older and younger who all had valid, but very different, experiences of personal effect.

Edit: This made me think more on my son's experiences and I will agree with you in that he had COVID fuck up several very important years of his young life. I will never understand what that was like for him. From that same crisis tho, I hope he never has to understand my experience. That of losing an incredible job that I loved with all my heart and worse suddenly wondering how without our only income would remain sheltered/fed