Only the wrapper containing the Android UI is addressed by the fork
Discontinuation of Syncthing will cause stagnation in the fork as well, unless the fork's devs announce(d?) they are picking up more work
Only the wrapper containing the Android UI is addressed by the fork
Discontinuation of Syncthing will cause stagnation in the fork as well, unless the fork's devs announce(d?) they are picking up more work
I think it turned into some amount of shit slinging that stopped being relevant to the shit at hand. I'm guessing mods decided to close that sphincter before the verbal diarrhea overflowed the rim of the post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The poop knife is irrelevant until and unless one plans to flush, which this question did not ask.
Also, why do you assume the nurse is a lady?
I'd like to think there is a strategist in her camp who urged Biden to stay in for as long as he did, and only swap out after the first debate, closer to the 3 month runway mark. And that strategist is just waiting until after the election to gloat publicly about the scheme.
Now that's a conspiracy theory I can get behind.
"Would incest be okay if we could guarantee no reinforcement of bad recessives?"
"I want space travel, to live forever, and make an AI human for... Reasons."
"Get off my lawn, big government!"
That tracks.
Meanwhile, Tristaniopsis is a synonym for Santorum, and I've never been able to credit anyone who goes by that moniker with any amount of respect.
Do you know how derogatory words work? You're perpetuating the thing you disrespect with your own comment.
Alas, "lies like a rug" is entirely an English idiom, and is not what she said.
She used "lies like a grey gelding," which is tantamount to calling him "too old and incompetent to be trusted to do the work required of him."
Something about English wants me to say it should be "Battle of the Santas Clause," but not knowing any of the rules, I couldn't tell you why.
Give a read. Might sway you, might not.
If dropping a database scares you, you are either unaware of the disaster recovery process, or there isn't one. Edumacate yourself, or the org, as appropriate, so as to increase your confidence when dropping databases.
Is that... John Oliver? What a beast.
Check out Disboard, and search for 5e or avrae (and optionally play by post) to find a discord server to play on.
There are plenty of small Discord servers that use a bot called Avrae to automate the crunchy mechanics of d&d 5e, with things like char sheets, initiative, monsters and combat, and even maps. Some servers are slow paced, where everyone is expected to act once per ~24 hours, so you get a nice asynchronous game going where you have time to learn your character's abilities, bot commands, etc, all while typing up your roleplay that matches the mechanics of your turn. That format is great for learning and getting the hang of things in the system, IMO, because you have a ton of time to ask questions in a chat channel to have others help you. Other servers will do sync events, where you sign up for an event with a specific star time, hop into a voice channel, and play with ~5 minute turn timers to really crunch through some combat quickly. This is great once you have the basics of Avrae down (and by extension, the mechanica of 5e).
That's usually a "westmarches" format, where the server has a large number of players who queue up for events, but each event can only accommodate a small number of players from the top of the queue. You get grouped with random others this way (contrast that to "campaign" play where you stay with the same players for many consecutive sessions). IMO westmarches really helps get you acclimated to D&D through broad exposure to lots of classes, monsters, mechanics, RP styles, etc. And it works really well for someone who is casual!