
joined 1 year ago
[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 11 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I'd like to think there is a strategist in her camp who urged Biden to stay in for as long as he did, and only swap out after the first debate, closer to the 3 month runway mark. And that strategist is just waiting until after the election to gloat publicly about the scheme.

Now that's a conspiracy theory I can get behind.

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 30 points 4 months ago (2 children)

"Would incest be okay if we could guarantee no reinforcement of bad recessives?"

"I want space travel, to live forever, and make an AI human for... Reasons."

"Get off my lawn, big government!"

That tracks.

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 8 points 6 months ago

Meanwhile, Tristaniopsis is a synonym for Santorum, and I've never been able to credit anyone who goes by that moniker with any amount of respect.

Do you know how derogatory words work? You're perpetuating the thing you disrespect with your own comment.

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 21 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Alas, "lies like a rug" is entirely an English idiom, and is not what she said.


She used "lies like a grey gelding," which is tantamount to calling him "too old and incompetent to be trusted to do the work required of him."

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 4 points 8 months ago

Something about English wants me to say it should be "Battle of the Santas Clause," but not knowing any of the rules, I couldn't tell you why.

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 34 points 9 months ago (4 children)

If dropping a database scares you, you are either unaware of the disaster recovery process, or there isn't one. Edumacate yourself, or the org, as appropriate, so as to increase your confidence when dropping databases.

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 2 points 9 months ago

Is that... John Oliver? What a beast.

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 5 points 9 months ago (3 children)

I read this to my wife.

Her response was "Stop."

"No honey, that would be the red light."

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 2 points 10 months ago (1 children)

It is totally fine to kick or knee or headbutt someone for your unarmed strikes when your hands are busy--this is true with or without Tavern Brawler

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 19 points 1 year ago

Post office too. Really any government office where the public is allowed inside.

Underpaid workers trying to explain bureaucratic minutiae (for which they are not responsible) every single day to people who are not versed in that minutiae, do not want to learn it, cannot learn it, and are preemptively frustrated that they have to have this interaction in the first place. There is no winning--mental health isn't cheap, do the workers' resilience only lasts for so many years/months/days before they default to hating the clients, and the clients don't trust publicly available instructions, thus dooming themselves to the shitty interactions.

The only way to fix this is to take both people out of the equation--preprocess everything that might need to happen for everyone, to the point of turning every transaction into a single trasaction. That requires for every city, county, state, national, international agency to federate, so that you never have to file multiple documents to do a thing.

[–] FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Capitalism has been touted as superior to the alternatives (Socialism, Communism, etc) b/c it has been claimed to be "self-regulating" and "self-correcting" and "even if we don't understand why, it fixes itself"--basically the only choice among bad ones that, given our collective small brains, has any chance of sustaining itself and society in the absence of an ability of individuals or government to do so intentionally.

What it really is is an opportunity to stay anonymous while gaming the system, all the while convincing everyone else that they too can game the system (thereby being gamed). It is not a net benefit to society when taken to extremes.

Capitalism is great for the consumer in the micro. If there is a coffee shop on your street that sucks, and you start a coffee shop two blocks away to compete with it with your better coffee, you are participating in the version of capitalism that "works as intended."

It doesn't work in the macro. When, instead of continuing to manage your mom & pop business that barely breaks even, you vertically integrate, buy up or otherwise destroy your competition, and then reduce the quality of your product to bare minimums in favor of profits and shareholder value and growth, you take capitalism to an extreme that makes everyone else (the consumers, the workers, the would-be-competitors) have a worse quality of life.

People prefer better quality of life. Capitalism in the modern age is so far in that macro extreme that it no longer makes people's lives better. East Palestine train derailment as an example... why would they prioritize safety over cost cutting? Bam, a town is cancerous. It's not unreasonable for people to point at a corruptible system and blame it for the corruption that exists.

Problem is, people are corruptible, so whatever alternative we think is better, someone will come along and ruin it for personal gain.


I recently theorycrafted a Dex and a Str version of an Artillerist with the Gunner feat popping off a Booming Blade and a Force Ballista each turn.

Dex variant: Choose a race that gets a weapon proficiency (e.g. Githyanki) to weild a Rapier. Pick up Gunner at 4. Starting stats are somewhere along the lines of 8 15+2 14 15+1 10 8, aiming to max Dex and pick up a Headband of Intellect to cover the otherwise low Int. Rolling can get the starting Int to be more respectable, but otherwise this feels pretty bad early game.

Str variant: Can start with a feat race for Gunner, point buy stats of 14 13+1 14 14+2 9 8, aiming to max Int, get Resilient Wis, and pick up Gauntlets of Ogre Power to cover the otherwise low Str. Acquiring an All Purpose Tool can provide Shillelagh to not need GoOP.

Why do this at all? Arcane Firearm, whether you tap your rapier with it as your Artificer-required tool material component, or whether it itself is the staff you go bonking people with Booming Blade, provides an extra 1d8 Thunder damage. Force Ballista's built in knockback has no save. Put those together with Faerie Fire, and you have a pretty reliable chunk of damage every round alongside a semi-reliable BB rider proc.


  • is Shillelagh via APT viable here? Since you can't cast Shillelagh and Faerie Fire on the same turn, setup feels bad.
  • would some other pushback, like Crusher, be more effective?
  • is being ranged overall, with ranged cantrips, just better damage faster (i.e. by dropping Gunner and maxing Int faster)?
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network to c/3d6@ttrpg.network

Much of the time I think of items as addons to a build, and focus on the race, class, and feat progression when planning. However, in both Westmarches and many standard canpaigns, it is not unreasonable to be able to buy, craft, or at least request some specific items, at least going up to Rare rarity. That got me thinking about trying to optimize a build around the item, rather than the other way around.

Out of the Abyss provides a unique and interesting Rare item, the Stonespeaker Crystal. It has 10 charges, regains ~7 per day, allows spending some charges to cast the three Speak With spells, and, most importantly, allows expending a number of charges equal to a divination spell's level to replace one consumed spell component. The following divination spells have consumed spell compoments:

  • Divination (4) 25gp¹
  • Fortune's Favor (2) 100gp
  • Legend Lore (5) 250gp
  • True Seeing (6) 25gp

¹uses two components with combined cost of 25gp, so the crystal can only replace one of them.

If you play with EGtW, the obvious use case for this is the Graviturgy or Chronurgy Wizard, getting Fortune's Favor (upcastable for more targets, letting you safely cover a party at least once per day with a 1-hour long Lucky d20 each). You also get Legend Lore (cast for free once per day to keep improving your results about the same thing) as well as True Seeing as a Wizard, and since TCoE expanded Wizard spells to include Divination, you don't even need Ritual Caster Cleric to get the full set. It's nice to have the crystal on a Wizard who normally doesn't get Speak with Animals or Speak with Plants too.

The most broken use of this item that I can think of is, conveniently, with Chronurgy's Arcane Abeyance on Fortune's Favor. Cast Fortune's Favor at 5th level on four members of the party, and then also save a bead with a 4th level casting to re-up three party members' Lucky dice mid-combat, increasing the likelihood they actually use them. Between that, Chronal Shift, Silvery Barbs, and Convergent Future, you might as well be the DM now.

Even without EGtW, a Divination Wizard can benefit greatly from the Stonespeaker Crystal thanks to Expert Divination, effectively reducing the total burned cost of Legend Lore to one fifth of a spell slot. Again, after enough castings, you at least know as much as the DM does, and with Portent and Silvery Barbs can control the outcome somewhat.

Did I miss any synergies worth exploring?


(In the absense of a WhatWouldYouBuild type of community, I figure 3d6 is the closest place here for such things, but correct me if I'm wrong.)

How would you build, in either D&D 5e or Pathfinder 2e, Cirilla of Cintra, based on her powers and abilities exhibited in the beginning of season 3 of The Witcher? She had the battle-prowess of a witcher, but she doesn't use her magic in combat. Her magic is powerful enough to stand against very strong sorcerers, but seems to mostly be reactionary rather than intentional.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by FearfulSalad@ttrpg.network to c/3d6@ttrpg.network

5e's Fear has the added mechanic of requiring the target to take the Dash action and run away, unless there is nowhere to run. This can cause some DMs to rule Oath of Conquest's aura as allowing the target to use its action for other things. But with Sentinel's reaction causing movement speed to drop to zero, that wouldn't trigger until after the Dash action had been used--creating an optimizable opportunity.

My current build idea for this is a Hexblade 1 / Whispers Bard X, choosing to be Custom Lineage to grab Sentinel at level 1. This means that Cha can be maxed by 9 (rather than 13), the build is Cha-SAD, and you can augment your attacks with blade cantrips (yes, BB doesn't synergize with either Fear* or Sentinel, but it is still a nice chunk of scaling damage). Bard also provides Command, Dissonant Whispers, Healing Word, Psychic Blades, and eventually Find Greater Steed (to get another opportunity attack).

(* If your DM counter-rules that Fear, Command, Dissonant Whispers, etc should proc Booming Blade, definitely opt for a reach weapon. That way BB procs when they move 5ft away, and then you lock them down with Sentinel at 10.)

The primary drawback is a lack of reliable advantage, so even though Psychic Blades add another layer of damage, missing on an opportunity attack risks them breaking Fear.

Thoughts on how to optimize around Fear+Sentinel, either by improving this build, or through some other means?

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