My rotty and my lhasa used to do this. The lhasa would get really mad and yell, if the rotty didn't feel like making out.
Apparently Bangor maine has a big outdoor backyard, is probably relatively cheaper than other places along the east coast and is supposedly pretty lbgtq friendly.
Although that is not south of Maryland. Nevemind.
Also, shouldn't this dingus be in jail? I thought he was charged with corruption so egregious even the nee-haw state couldn't ignore it.
The felony trial isnt until april. Eariler this year the state moved to hold an impeachment trial, but he paid off the almost equally corrupt, "Seniors should sacrifice their lives for the economy" Lt. Gov, and then...everyone changed their minds and he got acquitted.
Cool. I didn't even know that some of these banks were "green."
It sounds like you caught it pretty early. Earlier than where it would be at for many pet parents.
Just give him love and encouragement, and do what you can to help him out. Try and reassure him the best you can through this uncertainty. Im sure hes just as confused about whats happening to him as you are. Sometimes things just happen. All you can do is to be the best friend to him that you can be and hopefully treatment will help.
You did good and you're giving it all you got. That's what counts.
Also, depending on the diagnosis, treatment needs, where your located, and your amount of resources, there maybe places with state of the art facilities that can help. Here we have Texas A&M. They can handle things like rare disease, chemo, dialysis, and complicated surgeries. If it looks like the appropriate thing to do, it maybe worth asking your vet if there's someplace like that around you.
Good luck and I wish you guys the best.
No one ever reports on the reoccurring environmental violations that have occurred at his austin area boring company site, typically related to the discharge of wastewater (industrial, and otherwise) and erosion. Though, to be clear, theres no raw sewage in the streets or anything like that. The citations are always "resolved," but a few months later, a new round is issued. He gets another slap on the wrist, and then goes about his day. This has been something like 4 rounds of violations for at least a year and a half.
While there has been vague talk of more serious consequences, so far nothing of substance has materialized. The only reason the site even gets inspected, is because it ends up affecting the neighbors.
Before, it was just not wanting to do things properly, but at this point, I'm pretty sure he's just trying to get approval to dump all the "treated" wastewater into a nearby river that's used for recreation. Probably something along the lines of...if you want me to stop inappropriately managinging my wastewater onsite (in a historically residential neighborhood, mind you), give me the permit to put it somewhere else.
The community and the nearest city object to the idea. The ability easily monitor for violations will be nonexistent and nobody has any faith that what will be discharged into the river will actually be clean and up to standards. But of course, the permit isn't going to be decided by those it directly affects.
It definitely triggers my trypophobia.
We had the litter maid. It was good. You can put a grocery bag (or similar) into the litter scoop tray and reuse it for a while, but if it gets too gross, you'll have to buy the trays and the potpourri packets...
Yeah, I don't really think they were actually related. The suv was way to far away to really be in range. I think he was more there for the on going road construction...The timing was great though.
I don't really know my neighbors that well. Most likely it was a renter, or maybe the cop that used to live down the street had a funny sense of humor. .
There was one named FBIMobileSurveillance once. It was weird because it would dissapear for a while then come back.
I'm sure the black suv that would randomly sit in different locations along the highway, (even in the median) with a guy on a computer in the driver seat had nothing to do with it... dundundunnn
Haven't seen the network or the van in a couple of years...
Just sayin.
Which part is untrue? Didn't they change the rules of bankruptcy like a decade ago or something?
It used to be that you could get all your loans discharged and in essence just end up with a really bad credit score. I thought they changed it so people still had to pay their debts off even if they declared bankruptcy.
Unsure if it applied to corporations though.