
joined 2 months ago
[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 33 points 1 day ago (2 children)

We have to vote for the people who will admit to that and get rid of them. The U.S. is going to have to choose between a leader who tries to install good people to run the government and one who intends to install people bent on dismantling the government and giving loyalty to the leader alone.

I largely share your thoughts. I honestly expected Biden to at least be prepared enough to counter the usual Trump tactics of making things up and using strong words to impress his base while deflecting blame or critical questions.

Instead, we got Trump basically having free rein to appear strong with simple (and wrong) answers to complex questions, twisting the truth to support his positions and straight up lying and deflecting when finally confronted with something.

I'm not a big fan of Biden, but IMO he's the obvious, rational choice out of two candidates way past their prime - if you're into rationality over the antics of a con artist.

But this isn't a fair fight, and Biden isn't the showman Trump managed to be today. Biden was barely audible and mostly on the defensive while appearing weak, Trump was the opposite of that. I can't imagine any Trump voter switching teams after the debate, but I can image more than a few more emotionally motivated democrats second guessing their choice.


@elvith@feddit.org und ich haben mehr oder weniger unabhängig zwei Web Apps entwickelt , welche beide bis auf gewisse Extrafeatures den Accountumzug so einfach wie möglich gestalten sollten:



  • Export user data from any Lemmy instance (>=v0.19)
  • Download user data as a text file
  • Modify user data, e.g. to add or remove followed users/communites (Example in Wiki)
    • "display_name" ​
    • "bio" ​
    • "avatar" ​
    • "banner" ​
    • "matrix_id" ​
    • "bot_account" ​
    • "settings" ​
    • "followed_communities" ​
    • "saved_posts" ​
    • "saved_comments" ​
    • "blocked_communities" ​
    • "blocked_users" ​
    • "blocked_instances"
  • Transfer user data to the target account on the target instance



  • Login and export settings from any Lemmy instance (e.g. feddit.de)
  • Optionally: Find local communities on the target instance that match followed communities
  • Optionally: Backup your settings to a file (can be imported on any Lemmy instance in your profile)
  • Login and import settings to any Lemmy instance (e.g. feddit.org)
[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 days ago

The export/import functionality is, yes. This implementation uses the same API endpoints, but the main reason for this existing:

An instance I was on slowly died, starting with the frontend (default web UI). At least at the time, no client implemented the export/import functionality, so I wrote a simple script in Bash to download the user data, if the backend still works.

Running a script can still be a challenge to some users, so I wrote a web application with the same functionality.

It's a bit redundant if we're talking about regularly working instances, but can be of use if the frontend isn't available for some reason.

[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Good call, I'll add some explanations, kinda forgot about those.

EDIT: Done.


So I wrote a little web app that allows a user to move their user data, like settings and subscribed/banned communities, from one account/instance to another.

It runs completely client-side, but is hosted on GitHub for the moment. Maybe it'll be of some use!


  • Export user data from any Lemmy instance (>=v0.19)
  • Download user data as a text file
  • Modify user data in the browser, e.g. to add or remove followed instances
  • Transfer user data to the target account on the target instance
[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 21 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

An dieser Stelle reposte ich nochmal zwei einfache Wege, um seinen User (Settings und abonnierte/geblockte Communities) von einer Lemmy Instanz auf eine andere umzuziehen, beispielsweise von feddit.de auf feddit.org, von meinem ursprünglichen Post unter feddit.de/c/main ( https://alexandrite.app/feddit.de/post/11325409)

Weg 1, falls man noch einen Browser mit aktiver Session auf feddit.de hat:

Lemmy bietet seit Version 0.19 eine Funktion an, um die user data zu ex- und importieren. Das geht normalerweise über einen Button in den Settings des Webinterfaces, das geht aktuell bei feddit.de nicht.

Aber der zugrundeliegende API-Aufruf funktioniert noch, solange man noch mit einem Browser auf feddit.de eingeloggt ist:

  1. Man gehe auf https://feddit.de/api/v3/user/export_settings und speichert die zurückgegebene Datei als irgendwas.json
  2. Man nehme einen (neuen) Account auf einer stabilen Instanz der Wahl, gehe auf /settings und lade irgendwas.json über den Import-Button hoch.
  3. Voilà, man genieße die neue Instanz.

Das funktioniert mit jeder Instanz >=0.19, man muss lediglich das "feddit.de" in der URL ersetzen. Und wenn das Webinterface funktioniert, geht das auch über den Export- Button in den Settings.

Weg 2:

Für die Leute, die keine offene Browser Session haben, hier ein kleines, aber funktionales Bash Script, welches im Ausführungsverzeichnis eine myFedditUserData.json erstellt, welche bei anderen Instanzen importiert werden kann.


  • Linux/Mac OS X /Windows mit WSL
  • jq installiert (Unter Ubuntu/Debian/Mint z.B. per sudo apt install -y jq


  • Folgendes Script unter einem beliebigen Namen mit .sh Endung abspeichern, z.B. getMyFedditUserData.sh
  • Script in beliebigen Textprogramm öffnen, Username/Mail und Passwort ausfüllen (optional Instanz ändern)
  • Terminal im Ordner des Scripts öffnen und chmod +x getMyFedditUserData.sh ausführen (Namen eventuell anpassen)
  • ./getMyFedditUserData.sh im Terminal eingeben
  • Nun liegt im Ordner neben dem Script eine frische myFedditUserData.json

Anmerkung: Das Script ist recht simpel, es wird ein JWT Bearer Token angefragt und als Header bei dem GET Aufruf von https://feddit.de/api/v3/user/export_settings mitgegeben. Wer kein Linux/Mac OS X zur Verfügung hat, kann den Ablauf mit anderen Mitteln nachstellen.

Das Script:


# Basic login script for Lemmy API

my_instance="https://feddit.de"			# e.g. https://feddit.nl
my_username=""			# e.g. freamon
my_password=""			# e.g. hunter2


# Lemmy API version


# Turn off history substitution (avoid errors with ! usage)
set +H


# Login
login() {


	curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$json_data" "$url"

# Get userdata as JSON
getUserData() {


	curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" "$url"

JWT=$(login | jq -r '.jwt')

printf 'JWT Token: %s\n' "$JWT"

getUserData | jq > myFedditUserData.json

@elvith@feddit.org hat mein Script auch in PowerShell nachgebaut, welches unter Windows ohne WSL auskommt: https://gist.github.com/elvith-de/89107061661e001df659d7a7d413092b

$my_instance="https://feddit.de" # e.g. https://feddit.nl
$target_file = "C:\Temp\export.json"

#Ask user for username and password
$credentials = Get-Credential -Message "Logindata for $my_instance" -Title "Login"

$my_username= $credentials.UserName
$my_password= $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password

# Lemmy API version

# Login
function Get-AuthToken() {
    $json_data= @{
        "username_or_email" = $my_username;
        "password" = $my_password
    } | ConvertTo-Json


    (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Content-Type" = "application/json"} -Body $json_data -Method Post -Uri $url).JWT

# Get userdata as JSON
function Get-UserData() {


    Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"Authorization"="Bearer $($JWT)"} -Method Get -Uri $url

$JWT= Get-AuthToken

Write-Host "Got JWT Token: $JWT"

Write-Host "Exporting data to $target_file"
Get-UserData | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $target_file
[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 14 points 2 weeks ago

Great synopsis!

The cool thing about GrapheneOS: It provides basically all the comforts and usability as any Android (stock) ROM minus some compatibility issues with a portion of Google Apps and services (Google Pay doesn't and probably will never work, for example) while providing state-of-the-art security and privacy if you choose to utilize those features. A modern Pixel with up-to-date GrapheneOS, configured the right way, is literally the most secure and private smartphone you can get today.

[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 5 points 2 weeks ago

Eh, as always: It depends.

For example: memcpy, which is one of their claimed 100x performance tasks, can be IO-bound on systems, where the CPU doesn't have many memory channels. But with a well optimized architecture, e.g. modern server CPUs with a lot more memory channels available, it's actually pretty hard to saturate the memory bandwidth completely.

[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 50 points 2 weeks ago

Those are some very bold and generic claims for an accelerator chip startup, that doesn't provide any details or benchmarks other than some basic diagrams and graphs while they are looking for funding and partners.

Kind of reminds me of basically every tech kickstarter ever.

[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 7 points 2 weeks ago

I prefer Lemmy for:

  • actually engaging with content (commenting/posting/voting) instead of simply consuming. By the time the API restrictions came around and the ads/bots started to dominate, it felt pointless to engage on Reddit any more.
  • the positive parts of the federated and FOSS nature. Choose an instance, build your own, use or build any client you want to, federate or defederate whoever you want.

I prefer Reddit for:

  • getting info/recommendations on things. The knowledge base is magnitudes larger than anything Lemmy can offer atm. Also, due to the centralized nature, it's so much easier to search for something on Reddit.

Lemmy's got some problems and I can't stand the interinstance drama, also, due to the decentralized nature, some instances can't keep up or the admins don't care any more, so whole communities can essentially be held hostage or simply die until a toolset to move a community from one instance to another (and propagate the change properly to the Fediverse) becomes available.

[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 1 points 3 weeks ago

Only do that if you know how to properly secure your server and your (V)LAN, if you host from your residential connection (and your ISP supports it).

[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 2 points 3 weeks ago

Ich schätze mal, dass so mancher den Kommentar nicht richtig lesen (will) und aus irgendwelchen Gründen denkt, dass ich, statt meine Sichtweise auf rechte Politik zu schildern, selbige vertrete. Der Rest ist dann Schwarmverhalten.

[–] Emotet@slrpnk.net 2 points 3 weeks ago

Exakt meine Position, geht aber nur bedingt auf den Punkt ein, den ich machen wollte: Den Leuten geht es schlecht, also sind sie noch sensibler für Ungerechtigkeitsempfinden. Es ist für viele einfacher, nach unten anstatt nach oben zu schauen, dass etablierte Parteien das Thema Extremismus nur sehr zaghaft, wenn überhaupt, angehen und ein Großteil der Bevölkerung das Gefühl hat, dass sie zusätzlich zur Schere zwischen arm und reich auch noch beim Thema Sicherheit von der Regierung alleine gelassen werden.

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