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[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 7 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago)

Nah. I mean fuck the wealthy etc. They absolutely are part of the problem. But many of them depend on migrants and immigrants. The reason Democrats and Republicans are both courting the xenophobic bigot vote. Is because they're unfortunately one of the largest most influential groups. Blame education, talk radio, social and corporate media. They're all at fault. But more importantly so are their product. The median xenophobic American.

As a first nations descendant, i can safely say. America has always been a bigoted racist country. We were one of the last industrialized western nations to end slavery. And 150 years on. We're actually still debating whether that was a good thing or not. Decades of tolerating fascists and racists has seen them flourish. And we've seemingly learned nothing.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 2 points 20 hours ago

Simple, projection.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 15 points 22 hours ago

It doesn't at all. It was a nothing Burger the whole time. And if you were ignorant enough to believe the Twitter files. Well that's on you.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 21 points 23 hours ago (2 children)

They didn't ban it. They were the ones spreading it. Literally I can give you page after page after page of evidence. Twitter and Facebook were the main vectors it spread through unabated. The Biden Administration rightfully asking for them not to make exception to their revenge porn rules. To no avail was not the same thing.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

There's mathematics and statistics. But no duopoly.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago (3 children)

There is no duopoly. Your efforts only undermine the left.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

She'd had to of had a chance to wreck it. The fart in the wind has more chance at a positive impact than any third party presidential candidate.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 53 points 1 day ago (1 children)

In a rational world? Perhaps. But if this were a rational world and that were actually the reason. They would have done it after the Clinton campaign leaked documents. Or 30 times before that. So I highly suspect that isn't the case. It's that it's impacting the people they want to win personally. Therefore it must be censored. And for all the many faults Democrats have. They're not being hypocritical on this point at least. The Biden campaign was contacted with this information previously but didn't publish it or run with it. Not like any Republican or specifically Trump officials would have.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 295 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (12 children)

Interesting how documents from democratic campaigns are fair game. Even dick pics of the president's son are fair game. But when it comes to Republicans Suddenly It's all off limits. Strange.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 46 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Conservatives operate completely on fear. His eyes can see and understand the lies about his town. But to question all the other lies would be to question faith.

[–] Eldritch@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The first sentence addressed what they talked about. It's great as an assistant to cut through documentation to get at what you need. In fact, here's a recent video from Perry Fractic doing just that with microtext for the C64.

Anything else like having it generate the code itself, it's more of a liability than an asset. Since it doesn't really understand what its doing.

Perhaps I should have separated the two thoughts initially? Either way I've said my piece.

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