
joined 1 year ago
[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 15 points 1 year ago

Its funny that a lot of people will promote large-government policies but simultaneously hate their government :]

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Ive always had some toys, but only recently have I become an always-distortion kinda guy. Been getting real cozy with gain. A lot of them chop off the low-lows, but a lot of times its worth the mid-push. Of course some devices retain more or less sub, different circuits and such, but its become a habbit to leave it on.

Things Ive tried and liked a lot: 18v modded Rat (v.2?), 18v modded Ibanez DS-7, Friedman FuzzFiend, and MountainKing Heavy Machine.


We on

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Put this on for a buddy last week while working. 'Bro, dark-hair girls love this stuff.' :p Amazing album, honestly.

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Big ups on the format :]


[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 1 points 1 year ago

Very short sighted OP. If we gave them more money they would finally have enough money to know how to ethically redistribute it ;] Taxation is theft.

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Im pretty good for jamming along, but I do actually struggle to sit down and figure out exactly what someone else is doing. If I play karaoke to a song Ive never heard before its a success if Im in groove and key within a few iterations. Definitely a skill.

I noticed Richard Bona usually sings what he's playing, just reflexively. This is something Im (telling myself Im) trying to do to improve this. Should also make lines more 'musical.'

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world -1 points 1 year ago

We just had a breakthrough :] Canadians don't pay taxes. That's right! Finally some insight from you. Is it presumptuous for me to think you're cool with this limitation? What about other current limitations? What about literacy... How will the illiterate make their selections otherwise? Are you really a member of society if you dont know the language... However many think that this would be 'voter suppression.' The bar is literally that low.

Ive known of plenty of people who've had their children removed from their custody. Are they still 'parenting' when their child is a ward of the State? There is nuance to be found here. Not to mention the actual legal definition isn't as you claim...

So smoking less weed is not an improvement? They should instead just keep smoking joints in the living room with the toddler at the TV? Surely this doesnt actually appeal to you. Smoking less weed means more net-income and more short-term memory. This is not controversial.

Imagine doing so little to move the conversation and being indignant about the way it goes :]

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is not an explanation as to WHY foreigners shouldn't vote. You are merely regurgitating our existing rules. Surly you get this :p Again: Canada shares thousands of miles or borders, they're our trade partners, they share many of our values. We are a meltingpot nation built of foreigners... There are reasons why we could. But you know its inherintly bankrupt, which is fine, because it is a bankrupt idea. I'd love to tell you reasons why, but thats kind of your onus at this point.

I think absent parents are synonymous with nonparents. They're literally not parenting, lol. I know, Im not a lingustic expert but I think most people would agree. I think this is actually a breakthrough for us. You seem to think parenting is the act of having children, I think parenting is the act of raising children. Interesting.

Im not really taken by your partisanism or your (boring) research :p Oh, dont get all bent up, notice how you are not persuaded by evidence-based argumentation despite spending 1/2 our time demanding it. Its a funny life.

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Jeez D00d, your comprehension levels... Yeesh. You STILL have made no reasoned argument as to WHY Canada shouldn't be allowed. You just said that 'it doesnt effect them.' I told you why it does. You are now insisting that you made an attempt. You didnt :] Again, if its so easy then do it.

My positon was all the way at the top. Its that 'parents are (more) invested in the future.' Its pretty simple, tbh. You asked for eVidEncE, I gave you something corroborating (nonparents use drugs at higher rates which insinuates a lack of investment toward the future). You didnt think it was enough, so I gave you more (how drug use lessens functional memory, something parents need a lot). Now you're saying I never provided any evidence. Honk honk.

Okay heres some more evidence: "Men are more likely than women to give no parental investment to their children, and the children of low-investing fathers are more likely to give less parental investment to their own children... Daughters of absent fathers are more likely to seek short-term partners, and one theory explains this as a preference for outside (non-partner) social support because of the perceived uncertain future and uncertain availability of committing partners in a high-stress environment. [Emphasis added]

Apparently babies will innately understand the future-investment concept. But will you? :p

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Notice how you cannot asnwer questions directly posed to you. The truth is, bud, you haven't made an argument yet. I probably got you pegged-- You dont have strong feelings about civics, you have strong feelings about Twitter/Musk. Its alright, but dont think you've done anything but flounder there with your arms crossed thinking Ill go away. WHY shouldnt Canadians be allowed to vote? Why are the current limitations cool (or not)? Make an argument, lol. Say something. Surprise me :p

Ah, proving me right. Sealioning for EviDenCe then denying it when its linked. "Cant provide me ANY evidence!" Classic Reddit. I dont think the study is boring because its weak, I think its boring because its from pubmed. Heres some more truly mind blowing research on drug use. You'll be shocked and fascinated, Im sure. Marijuana is bad for short term memory? Why, its basically synonymous with short-sightedness... Dont tell me that instant-gratification isnt a virtue! No!

I think you're right that my negative reaction to the study sort of poisoned the water. Yet I dont believe for a second that a PubMed study ever changed your mind about anything. I dont think you understand why I linked to the Replication Crisis. And I think you believe there is a study for every imginable topic. Its... its... hahahaha :]

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is the sad reality. Gun violence is generally committed by sick people. Similarly, I saw this chart a few years back on Australian gun/knife violence. The plots are mirrored. Violence is sort of static.

[–] Dissasterix@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Let me be clear. Having a child to vote is enforcing a very high bar to vote. Its costly in time and finances. It's an 18+ year commitment. There are alreadt existing limitations to vote; Nationality, age, criminal status. These are, presumably, cool with you. Yet they are exclusionary. This begs questions. I gave several reasons why Canada maybe should: Locality, similar culture, trade benefits, deepen diplomatic ties... Why is it cool to keep Canada out? Say something, lol.

Here's a study that shows that nonparents use drugs at an increased rate to parents. This is emblematic of forward-thinking... Saving money, being more present, blah blah blah. Its boring. And its not going to convince you. Because its boring and doesnt speak to your intuitions. Because its boring. I can dig up more corroborating stuff that won't appeal to you-- because its homework-- or we can have a discussion.

I dont know what kind of eViDEncE you expect there to be to satisfy you. I think you just carry the vanilla position and assume its correct, which makes it effectively unfalsifiable. "It is what it is."


Slowly developing a bass stream. Making original music, honing my production techniques, taking viewer submissions, and just hangin'. Come say hey :]

Bass stream (twitch.tv)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Dissasterix@lemmy.world to c/bass@lemmy.ml

Slowly developing a bass stream. Making original music, honing my production techniques, taking viewer submissions, and just hangin'. Come say hey :]


Slowly developing a bass stream. Making original music, honing my production techniques, taking viewer submissions, and just hangin'. Come say hey :]

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