Thursday’s patch is the product of recent penetration testing work that the Mozilla Foundation funded, Mastodon cofounder and CTO Renaud Chaput told Ars. He said a firm called Cure53 performed the pentesting and that the code fixes were developed by the several-person team inside the Mastodon nonprofit.
This is good to see, although it's worrying that such a serious vulnerability went unspotted for this long. At least, I hope it wasn't spotted; maybe some bad actor's made subtle use and all our bases are belong to them.
I use
still too, partly because it's generally installed on everything already, like vim. I hardly ever use anything but a maximised (i.e. full-terminal) screen at once, so it doesn't sound like I'm missing much from tmux.De/reattaching's extremely useful and another thing I really like in screen is being able to scroll and search the scrollbuffer.
If I was ready for an upgrade, I'd probably go for zellij.