
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 5 months ago

Someone mentioned Eternity, and I second that.

I have also lately been using Eternity - and the main reason is that Eternity is a fork of Infinity for Reddit, and Infinity was a complete app by its own merit - so although Eternity is not updated frequently, it is very unlikely that I will miss any essential feature in Eternity for Lemmy.

Just my 0.02.

[–] 19 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Are there e-readers with very very dim light that still allow comfortable reading?

I have not used any myself, but I have heard that both Kindle e-reader and Kobo support this.

[–] 40 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (3 children)

"Hey, I just tried to break into my school principal's room on a weekend to change my exam grade - because, you know, bad grades don't look good on me - BUT WHY IS THIS BEING MADE INTO SUCH A TOPIC ????"

[–] 26 points 6 months ago (2 children)

To provide "personal recommendation", an App would most likely need to profile you, i.e. track your viewing habits and trends, and forecast your areas of interests.

IMO this goes directly against the concept of privacy.

On the brighter side, I think Freetube (local, on windows) and LibreTube (on Android, but needs a piped account) can provide personalized video suggestions, but you yourself should check them out.

[–] 10 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Whenever I hear this argument

"Most people are not interesting enough to profile, so they don't need this XYZ privacy tool.."

I always have this ready as a counter argument

"Only a stupid person would not care about pickpockets just because his wallet does not have much cash - a pickpocket will not ask you how much cash you have before picking your wallet, and even if your wallet turns up to be empty, the pickpocket is not going to be a gentleman and return that to you.

Tracking/profiling for Ads on the internet happen en masse; you are just one of a million data points that build a profile - it doesn't care whether you as an individual are interesting or not".

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

I do exactly the same. I always opt for the earliest free prime delivery available, even for just one item in my order.

Fuck their Amazon delivery day and No rush shipping. "Delivery in fewer trips to your home" ? I have exactly zero fucks to give - I need my stuff as early as possible as my prime membership will let me, even if at 4 AM in the morning, because I am freaking paying for it.

And "green for the environment" my ass - I know they don't care about environment, and I don't care about the gas tank of their delivery vans.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

"Who is this guy, and what is he doing in my court ?"

"He is the witness in this trial, your Honor".

"Does that mean the ball is now in my court?"


[–] 13 points 6 months ago

I am also a former Jerboa user and although I kinda liked it - the sole reason that I moved away from it was the lack of a proper search feature (It is already well-known that the Search bar in Jerboa is basically only for communities; Jerboa can't search for posts, comments or users.

I have lately been using Eternity - and the main reason is that Eternity is a fork of Infinity for Reddit, and Infinity was a complete app by its own merit - so although Eternity is not updated frequently, it is very unlikely that I will miss any essential feature in Eternity for Lemmy.

Just my 0.02.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

to see if it was worthwhile.

If you are done with what you were set out to do, then sure, upgrade it if it's free.

[–] 9 points 6 months ago

When will the search function in Jerboa "search everything, not just communities" ? I am waiting for that day..

[–] 59 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Tesla should recall Musk, for good.

[–] 138 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I don't exactly recall when or where I heard/read this quote, but man it is dope

  • "it should not be a concern when people pirate your content, it should be when people don't even want to pirate your content"

Sorry, living under a rock recently. Can someone ELI5 this for me? Thanks !


My 11 year old nephew was looking over one of my chess books and asked innocently -

"Does that Indian Defence come in pairs? Like two for one?"

"Which one?"

"Bogo Indian defence.."

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Basically what the title says - Can my ISP see the exit node of my VPN ? I hope not, because that would be weird, and would defeat the whole purpose of a VPN.

A bit of backstory about why I had this question ( it is slightly long, so is totally okay for the reader to skip this part )

My partner subscribed to a McAfee security suite, that we share (because they had some promotions available or something for multiple devices). It's not the worst thing around - the antivirus part, but it also came with their "McAfee Safe Connect VPN" service, which is infamous for having a super-invasive data logging policy. So I said fuck'em and set out for a better option.

I am more or less tech-literate, but I researched somewhat deeply‌ this time, basically to choose between "Privacy" (like Bruce Wayne - everybody knows who he is and lives in the Wayne Manor, but nobody knows what he does there, or that he has a BatCave underground), and "Anonymity" (Like Batman - everybody knows what he does - kicks ass of bad guys - but nobody really knows who he is, ok except for may be a couple of people) - basically trying to figure out if I needed a VPN at all or not.

I already have DNS-over-HTTPS enabled in all my devices - so that kinda took care of my "privacy" concerns (i.e. a nosy ISP) - although I believe my ISP can see which IP/Domain I am finally connecting to, which kinda sucks.

Apart from my ISP, the other concern was Public Wi-fi. I do work with my device(s) on-the-go a lot, which is why I have reason to ensure safety while connected to Public Wi-fi at Cafes/Restaurants/Airports. The fact that Internet is not just HTTPS - there's telnet/FTP/SMTP/IMAP/POP3/Gopher and other protocols which have their own encryption methods (or not) also led me to the realization that DOH is not a total replacement for VPN. And the ISP can know my destination Domain even if DOH stops them from sniffing or blocking the DNS lookup itself.

In the end, I decided to go with VPN. Not any free ones (because as we all know they suck), and neither any over-promoted ones as well, like Nord or IPVanish (because they suck as well, in a different way). I chose Mullvad, but white labeled as Mozilla VPN. This is because I do use email-forwarding services to a large extent, and Mozilla is providing this combined deal of their email masking service Firefox Relay along with phone masking and VPN for 5 devices, all for a reasonable subscription (I won't say how much because this post is not a promotion for them) - and being a long-time Firefox user (and also being anti-Google for a while), I decided to go with that (and so far all I heard about Mullvad are good things).

So far I am alright with it. Let's see how it goes.

And that concludes my VPN journey story. While I was researching about how much my ISP can see when I connect to a VPN - I found that they can see encrypted traffic to and from my real IP, and that I connected to a "VPN server", and nothing else.

I assume this "VPN Server" that they can see is the "entry node", and not the "exit node" (i.e. my IP as seen by the world) - but never got a clear answer to that - which led me to my original question above.

And thanks for reading this far ! Feel free to share insights.


I am going sailing....

I can't believe how people can commit such heinous sin by suggesting garbage websites like []. Someone did this to me this morning and I was absolutely ~~thankful~~ enraged.

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