A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff
The fact that the initial mission duration was 8 days makes it unlikely this is true, and with multiple cargo missions since then (for example two already this August), it is even more unlikely they wouldn't have received a new set of clothes by now.
I'd go with symlinks, so both you and software not strictly following standards know where to put and find stuff.
I don't know, but this article is about their mobile network provider hardware / telecom infrastructure division, where Nokia is one of the bigger vendors.
Potentially the most valuable single source of information on the internet.
I beg to differ, there's Wikipedia
And that's without any swap! Because guess what, flash size is even lower with only 4MB!
If you are using Firefox, check out https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/hohser/ You can block certain domains from your search results, works great for me
Ah, clearly Fedora then.
Well, the summary pasted in the post mentions "VM" about a dozen times