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[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 15 points 5 months ago (16 children)

Except Valve allows people to sell their own keys without Valve taking a cut. That system is why at least half the vendors here can exist at all. The dev/publisher cuts a bunch of their own Steam keys and dumps them off with these shops who take less than the 30% cut that Valve takes from sales within Steam and the dev/publisher gets to keep the difference or pass that on to the customer as a discount. Steam just isn't a monopoly. They allow sellers to use everything that their platform offers for nothing more than a percentage of what is made exclusively from sales within the platform. A seller can sell their game through their own website and take home 100% (less whatever their payment processor charges, usually a single digit percent) of the sale, while still using everything that Steamworks and Steam in general is bringing to the table and all without any lock-in or requirements that they stick with Steam. All of that is a HUGE strike against considering Steam a monopoly, but that's not even everything.

So far as "the competition does not matter" that's largely because the competition (Primarily talking EGS here, but it's apropos UPlay and Origin too) hasn't done anything to make for a better value proposition other than paying for store exclusives and giving developers a rightfully higher cut of sales for a shot at a much smaller portion of the PC market. If Epic offered answers to Proton, Steam Link, communities, workshop, meta-games in the store, quick UI, marketplace, etc... It might make for a real challenge to Steam, but as it stands now there's nothing in EGS that puts up anything approaching half of what you get for the same games in Steam. I've never bought anything in EGS, but trying to use their app with any of the free games that they've given me has immediately turned me right around and sent me back to Steam while it takes literal minutes for the app to get me signed back in and going (and often has to spend time updating a game once it does) while Steam was good to go 2 seconds after boot, never needs me to reauth once I've signed into a system, and keeps my games updated silently without my having to notice or worry.

Now GOG on the other hand, where I have spent a decent amount of money and own a good number of games has managed to make a proposition of giving me a barebones store that gives me barebones downloads of games that don't need updates, or a launcher, without any DRM so I can just download an EXE and get my games. They matter, they're bringing something to the table that nobody else does and I love them for that. I go out of my way to buy games on GOG when they're the sort of things that don't need any of the stuff that Steam is providing.

If any of the other publisher owned storefronts tried to do anything half as ambitious as GOG or Steam, they'd probably matter, but the fact is that they won't because they don't think like Valve or GOG, they think like MBA shitlords who's single trick is extracting rents for properties made by smarter people, often back in the days before those MBAs knew their multiplication tables. The same school of idiots who saw how Netflix had a really good thing going and thought that they could have the good thing themselves so now we have a worse situation than we had before Netflix destroyed the cable industry and we get all of these platforms that don't work as well as Netflix did/does where you have to go to 30 different shitty places to get what you used to find in one really good place. A whole lot of idiots who paid a lot of money to learn in fancy schools that you can personally get rich by convincing a company to kill the golden goose, so long as you immediately proceed to get out of town so it's the next guy's problem to solve before anyone notices that the golden eggs aren't rolling in anymore. It's incomprehensible to me that people are going to bat for those muppets when all they ever do is make things worse so they can line their 401k with another million.

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 2 points 5 months ago

No offense to the creators, but the art styles being employed here are wholly inconsistent. I'm certain that there is a load of hard work going into this, but it just seems like one of those Skyrim ENB packs where mods from all sorts of various sources have been thrown together and each of them has a different aesthetic ideal driving them so the end result is a presentation that has really high production quality, but it has like 60 really high production qualities and they don't congeal into a cohesive whole.

All the best regardless, but the DMCA fairy is probably going to leave a letter for them soon. The first rule of Nintendo Fan Remake Club is that you don't talk about Nintendo Fan Remake Club until after you've got a finished product up as a Torrent.

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 1 points 5 months ago

OpenCV may be fairly set for purpose for your needs already. If you could train the Cascade classifier (See: https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/dc/d88/tutorial_traincascade.html) with enough data of what constitutes your dog in the garden, you'd be able to string a video feed through a script and have it trigger audio playback whenever it identifies the naughty doggo. (See: https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/db/d28/tutorial_cascade_classifier.html)

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

At this point they’re only wagging their fingers to make it appear as though they’re considering regulation.

Again, it's disingenuous to claim that their pragmatism in the face of unreasonable actors is the same as being the unreasonable actors. What are the left supposed to do? Pull a Trump and pretend that the laws and systems that make our country don't exist and just say that what they want is law and ignore that half the country is electing morons who will fight them at every turn? That's not how it works and frankly I wouldn't want it to work that way because it's just incredibly dangerous. They're trying to work within a system where the right has learned they can con half the country into believing they're doing their job while they sit back and do their damnedest to ensure that the government doesn't function at all because that's the only way that conservatives can stop progress at this point with their platforms being as unpopular as they are.

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 0 points 6 months ago (3 children)

The left is definitely more open to considering regulation. It's not even close. The right thinks that regulation is a four letter word and they're generally not a fan of those either. It's disingenuous to both sides everything. Much of the time where the left allows a carveout for vampirism, it's because it's the best compromise they can mange to a given end given that the right is out there swabbing their throats and getting all hot and bothered waiting for daddy Drac to come and give it to them, not because it's their preference that we allow unfettered late-stage capitalism to destroy lives. Again, it's disingenuous to claim that their pragmatism in the face of unreasonable actors is the same as being the unreasonable actors (and I am well aware that there are exceptions that prove the rule on both sides of the isle, so 🤷‍♂️)

...and lest anyone think that this problem isn't solved with government regulation, I invite you to look at the medication situation in nearly any other country in the world where by and large they are not afraid of regulation for the same drug companies that are fucking us sideways in the US and see how much cheaper and better their access to medications is solely because they're willing to support that maybe there is a greater public good than shareholder profits.

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 7 points 6 months ago (5 children)

This is of course their MO. They were making Insulin for pennies per vial for years and selling it for hundreds of dollars per. It's funny how they're allowed to keep doing this to us and they probably always will because the US right thinks the immoral thing is not letting vampires have a suck whenever they want it. Obesity and Diabetes are a couple of the largest killers around, to say nothing of the losses in Quality of Life they cause. It's just insane that we refuse to regulate prices for drugs that would relieve immeasurable suffering and death because CEOs gotta have a nicer Yacht or how is life any fair?

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 2 points 6 months ago

It's a pretty great game. Really good music and one of those gameplay loops that is easy to pick up and difficult to master. If you like Tetris and the like, Lumines is worth your attention.

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

As I heard it, the fact that they were heavily implying (and often delivering) versions of the emulator that worked with as yet unreleased games for Patreon backers exclusively while the 'open to everyone' version was not as compatible, is what probably did them in.

It would have been pretty hard for them to argue that their emulator was for legal means when they were constantly telling people to pay up for the Patreon to get access to builds optimized for games that hadn't yet gone on sale. If they had just kept the public in parity with the Patreon and just coincidentally had performance uplifts on upcoming games before they dropped, they'd probably have been fine. As it is, they painted a pretty compelling picture that they were "pay for piracy" and that's where the lawyers probably told them to take a deal and get out.

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 1 points 7 months ago

The original Game Boy Color has a screen that is only 160 pixels x 144 pixels at a 6bit color depth. That color depth means it can keep track of 6bits of color information for each pixel (technically the GBC screen CAN display 15bits of color information, but it's limited in software to 6bits absent certain tradeoffs.)

This isn't exactly how it all works, but I'm going to just do some quick and dirty math really quickly that sorta simply illustrates how this works. To adequately display a 60fps image on the GBC display at the 6bit color depth of the screen, we'd need to be able to process 23,040 pixels (each with 6 bits of color data) every 60th of a second. To simplify further, there's 138,240 bits of data to process every 16.6ms just to "drive" the display, or put another way 138,240 bits of data to process to ensure that the display gets all the information it needs to build a complete picture every 60th of a second.

So for a 1600x1440 display, you're looking at 2,304,000 pixels, and the Analogue Pocket has a 16bit color depth, so you're going to need to be able to process 36,864,000 bits of data every 16.6ms to "drive" that display.

Getting a GPU/CPU/FPGA that can handle 138,240 bits of data every 16.6ms is a fairly easy task these days. Getting a GPU/CPU/FPGA that can handle 36,864,000 bits of data every 16.6ms is also a pretty easy undertaking these days, but it's much more power intensive and it's going to cost a bunch more. All of which is beside the shader calculations the Pocket adds in to do things like emulating the pixel fade of old LCDs or other effects that further emulate the properties of the original displays which requires further processing.

The tradeoff is that you can build a more detailed image with all those extra pixels, but you're going to pay for it both in electrical power spent, heat generated, and costs sunk.

[–] DarthYoshiBoy@kbin.social 14 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Honestly the 1600x1440 screen on the Analogue Pocket and the ability to drive it is what you're paying for when you buy it.

There's not going to be a device that can drive all those pixels at less than the Analogue Pocket's price for some time yet. Sure, none of the Game Boy systems used anywhere near that many pixels, but the fact that the Analogue Pocket screen is so ridiculously pixel dense it can emulate the original attributes of the OG screens from the devices that their FPGA is mimicking means you're going to pay a premium for that (or any) device doing full hardware replication at that level.

Honestly seeing the Analogue Pocket emulate the way that the original DMG GameBoy screen pixels seemed to slightly hover over the background (slightly casting a shadow) was mind-blowing. You can't get that unless your screen actually has those original pixel attributes or you've built a display with enough resolution to emulate what those characteristics looked like. See: https://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/PXL_20211213_155424062.jpg (Seriously, zoom in and notice the mimicry of the shadows under darker pixels, it's just crazy to see in person.)

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