The cool thing about it is that the core of it is really just one page.
There's a page in there with a list of types of tests and their respective r values, which is a number between zero and one that explains how well a given type of test predicts job performance based on this gigantic meta analysis the researchers ran. Zero means there's no relationship between the test and job performance and one means the test predicts job performance perfectly.
Generally you want something better than .3 for high stakes things like jobs. Education and experience sits at ... .11 or so. It's pretty bad. By contrast, skills tests do really well. Depending on the type they can go over .4. That's a pretty big benefit if you're hiring lots of people.
That said it can be very hard to convince people that "just having a conversation with someone" isn't all that predictive at scale. Industry calls that an "unstructured interview" and they're terrible vectors for unconscious or conscious bias. "Hey, you went to the same school as me..." and now that person is viewed favorably.
Seriously this stuff is WELL STUDIED but for some reason the MBA lizards never care. It's maddening.
Oh it's not, dead, it's just changed shape so we don't immediately recognize it. This, for example, is an ad for about 5 different games.
Notice how the brands were mentioned. Notice how much more palatable this is as a delivery system for that sweet brand awareness. They're making statements we agree with! They're demonstrating values that align with our own.
Now look it's video games so I really don't mind. This is certainly nicer than what we had in the 90s and 2000s (which were occasionally hilarious but I digress) , but I still want to raise awareness a bit. Larian isn't the only company that rolls this way. Thing is, they're probably not even lying, but an executive at a company does media like this for a reason.
This is them "speaking to you."