
joined 2 years ago
[–] 6 points 3 weeks ago

The automation is because it’s always been a felony not to register, same as it is in virtually every country with mandatory service, so to avoid the horrifically needless societal effects that come from giving someone a felony for a random crime, they simply automated it.

Basically what they did with social security years ago. Used to also be a crime to not sign up by a certain age, so they just started immediately registering all children at birth.

[–] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)


I’m not saying that China is doing that, but if an entity were to want to perform successful mass marketing or propaganda; then demographic, psychographic, and geographic data is vital to that. The more you have, the better you can tailor your messages and efforts to a target population. That is basic marketing, and why companies ceaselessly collect as much data as humanly possible as quickly as possible.

[–] 18 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

If we’re honest, it’s because they are a morally bankrupt mega corporation as many others across the globe are. They are absolutely harvesting data, selling user information, essentially injecting spyware into peoples systems, relying on predatory gaming systems such as gambling and gatcha, among many other ethically corrupt capitalistic practices.

However, the unbridled hate is mostly projection, because nothing Tencent is doing is not what Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, etc, have been doing already for years; and will continue to do.

[–] 6 points 8 months ago

Isn’t desertion an executable offense in wartime? Just fully turncoat at that point.

[–] 8 points 8 months ago

I agree, but for clarification in my original comment I was referring to common everyday people. Not governments or intelligence agencies.

[–] 4 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Bizarre works better.

Good bizarre, and a bad bizarre.

Living in the US is… interesting.

[–] 8 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

Why does he looked bloated? Almost like he has jaundice.

Like a decomposing corpse that’s bloating from gas.

[–] 22 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

As a resident Belarusian comrade (close enough I guess), that is basically almost always the case. They always chose some absolute ghoul, and because westerners don’t know the language or care enough to check the policies, no one double checks what those ghouls are saying.

In the example of Navalni, he is an ethnonationalist and “national purist”. He is literal scum. If Putin is reactionary, Navalni is a fascist.

Why was he popular? He watched Rick and Morty on Reddit. I shit you not.

[–] 36 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (4 children)

Navalni is literally a comically evil Putin, all his positions are identical to Putin just even more nationalistic. You know nothing about him. He is essentially a Neo Nazi.

[–] 25 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Everything old is new again. The tactics of terror bombing and inflicting maximum suffering on a civilian population have changed little since WW2. Most of the NATO bombing doctrine was informed or created by the same Nazi monsters who used those methods during the war.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I was not discussing the slander of the Chinese by western media. I was disgusted at your time regarding the ancedote.

So this is the main anecdote in the article. The police and the family are rather understandable.

but the idea of child becoming an absolute adult at the age of 18 is an American idea so it’s also understandable in cultural context to return a 19 year old.

Chinese law states an individual is a complete adult at 18.

[–] 30 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (3 children)

You see those buildings left standing? That was known as the Central Prospect and those are the only remaining buildings from “Old Minsk”. The Germans only left them standing because that’s where the officers lived during the occupation.

They purposefully destroyed everything else.

On the first day of the war, the first target the Luftwaffe designated was the city water supply to prevent firefighters from putting out the fires from ensuing raids.


B2 Bombers spotted over Saudi Arabia heading on a bearing for Yemen, with US ships launching cruise missiles in the Red Sea.


"Western Alliance" of California, Texas, and Florida teaming up to take on the entire US after the "first" "explicitly" fascist US president gives himself a third term. Supposed to be a "Liberal People's Revolution" in support of """true""" American democracy. There are absolutely no leftist symbols, analysis, slogans, flags, or rhetoric to be found.

Seemingly very little focus on politics except surface level liberal centrism of "uniting against authoritarianism". Also, absolutely no mention of leftism except as a hostile force, as LGBT characters are seen prominently as part of the invading rebel forces. Also a scene of the rebels blowing up the Lincoln monument for some reason.

Weird "civilian" discourse that seems bizarre in the face of Palestine as there are scenes where the US Air Force bombs US civilians, soldiers fire indiscriminately into crowds, and its all played off as a horrible tragedy despite the common American sentiment in favour of Israel doing the same thing.

The trailer's ending seems to imply the rebels miraculously take DC and save American democracy in one fell swoop.

Lastly, the fascist US president is Nick Offerman. Yes... The Parks and Rec guy, and the gay Last of Us character.


Looks like the search is over.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I recently saw a post here commemorating Xi on his 70th birthday. Quite the accomplishment in terms of how well he is doing as a leader, and in terms of personal health.

However, this also got me thinking. What comes after Xi? Sadly he is not immortal, and is rapidly approaching an age where he will not be able to as effectively carry out his duties. Plus he deserves to retire at some point to also enjoy his life.

From this, are there plans for who will take Xi's place? Who are the candidates with the most potential in terms of being elected? What will be China's path after Xi's resignation in terms of economic, geopolitical, military, and social development? Will Xi's path be continued, or will a new leader decide to change course? Will a continuation of Dengist policies be committed to, as Xi did, or will there be a return to the policies of the Four?

Preferably Comrades who are Chinese, have ties to China, or are knowledgeable in the subject could give their observations and opinions, but for everyone else, what are your thoughts?


I hope everyone has been doing good and that these past few months have been well for you. Its been quite the trip for me, and I wanted to apologize for not being able to contribute these past few months like I was able to previously.

I was dealing with the possibility of receiving a life changing and potentially terminal cancer diagnosis. Simultaneously I was also dealing with the end of my semester and a plethora of exams, papers, and projects; along with job hunting to support myself these coming months. These left me with little time and energy to myself, and I wasn't able to participate here.

Thankfully the tests for the diagnosis were false positives and the problem was instead very minor and has been dealt with. I also finished off my semester as strong as I could with perfect marks! Which has in turn allowed me to transfer from my small local college, to a much more prestigious university!

I did also want to apologize for leaving on a sour note, as while I did have a lot going on which led to my fuse being short, I still feel terrible about my previous exchange and have no excuse for it. If Maud Dibber is reading this, I would also wish to apologize to you directly and expressly.

Overall things have been going much better then before for me, and I look forward to contributing again!


This is a thought that I have been tackling for quite a while now, but in the event of a country or region undergoing decolonialization, how should settler populations, especially multigenerational populations, be handled?

For example in the example of Israel, once the nation is reestablished as a one state Palestine, what would happen to the settler population? Especially those that aren't living or participating in illegal settlements or exploitation?

This question is complicated farther by multiple generations of people who were born in a location and have no ties to any other country or location. Those people don't have anywhere to go and can't be "sent back" to where they came from as they have no ties. For example if a person's grand parents immigrated decades ago to a country as settlers, and then their children and then grandchildren were born and lived their whole lives in a location, what would you do with those grandchildren? You can't just throw them back to the country their grandparents were from. This question is made even harder when the generations start spanning back much farther.

Another problem that I am running into is that many solutions including "leftist" ones essentially boil down to ethnic cleaning even if they do not say it outright. Or they completely ignore the question or resort to some fantasy scenario where the settlers magically disappear or all agree to move.

So how should these populations and people be handled?


It took the poor guy a while, but Pluto just completed a whole rotation around the Sun! The last time this happened was 1774 and the next time this'll happen will be in 2271! It takes Pluto nearly 248 Earth years to complete a single rotation!


Something very very wrong is happening with pharmaceuticals all around the US right now. No one is saying anything and every organization is pointing fingers at each other, but there is a massive shortage of a huge range medication, ranging from Tylenol, Zyrtec, and Advil all the way to antibiotics, Adderall, Chemotherapy drugs, and Diabetes medication. People with debilitating illnesses and disorders like Type 1 Diabetes and ADHD are being left high and dry without any answers other then pharmacies saying that they are on “backorder” (I.e. They’re all out).

Its not just one company either, for example in the case of Adderall-Dextroamphetamine, in a worst case scenario it can be substituted with other drugs of a completely different makeup such as Vyvanse or Ritalin which are produced by different companies. The one problem is that they are ALL out of stock. On top of this, because a vast majority of these drugs are held in copyright, many of them do not have generic forms, and other companies are not legally allowed to try to develop them.

Something is going very wrong and it seems like the US pharmaceutical industry is collapsing. I’m very scared what this means for people that rely on medication. Diabetes? Hormones for transitioning? Heart medication? Chemotherapy? What happens to those people?

Look at the link... 233 medications already are gone.

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