
joined 1 year ago
[–] 17 points 1 day ago (2 children)

She should be glad that the cops didn't decide to give her the Floyd treatment since she was at least resisting arrest, possibly assaulting the officer. They didn't even make her get down on the ground or tase her.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Ah, ok. Yeah, that's been my experience with his fans, too. They think he's some kind of super whiz kid and get annoyed when I ask for credible evidence of this...well, more evidence than Worthington's Law anyway. And, seriously, when it comes to the likes of dimbulb donnie and melon husk, Worthington's Law is all the fanbois have.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

I'm so very sick of this stupid take.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I remember getting screamed at by his fanbois when I tried to explain that he was actually an engineer, and was a shitty lying piece of filth.

I thought his fanbois are trying to convince everyone that he is an engineer? They took issue with this? What do they claim he is then?

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

Yep. The minute I learned who he was, my plans to buy anything from that douche were nixed. No way I'm driving around with a vehicle that broadcasts a message like that. Might as well slap one of those dumb red hats on my head, but in this case, people know that I've given money to a warped cause.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Not the least surprising given the weirdo that he is.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

It's hilarious that dimbulb donnie and his slackjawed base think that anything was "debunked", LOL.

Also, the bizarre capitalization and calling himself by "TRUMP", WTAF.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

....and his base hopes that dick will fuck all the right people.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago

42%. That’s how many debate viewers in the CBS poll thought Vance was the winner of the debate, compared to 41% who thought Walz won. Seventeen percent of viewers said the debate ended in a tie.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I think the reports of Vance having "won" are greatly overstated:

42% vs. 41%? That's well within the margin of error, LOL.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Yes. That's always the question the hard right and their apologists and the Enligtened Centrists (TM) can never answer in any serious way and that question is - how can the news outlet of a huge MNC and/or controlled by an oligarch be, in any serious way, on the left?

These unserious people keep telling me that "well, everyone just knows" or quoting polls that poll the newsreaders or the stenographers for the elite and who they are registered for, not realizing we are talking about the help, not the owners. What the help wants or who they vote for doesn't mean a fart in a high wind. It's the owners that call the tune, FFS.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Oh, my first impression was it might be WSJ. Which if those other two are supposedly centrist, but almost always side with the right, then WSJ's op-ed portion is almost cartoonishly right-wing.


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I'm not that keen on giving away my data, so it's less about saving a buck, and more about not releasing info about me and what companies I'm reading about.


A lot of these people are boomers. Rushkoff is much younger and I think Gen X. Where are the Gen Y/Z versions? Are there more Gen Xers to check out?

Anyway, who are the next batch of these type of people? Are there websites/forums that follow them?

(This is another in a series of my "High Weirdness" kind of questions. )


I asked a related question here - the one about Boing Boing,, Dangerous Minds:

I'd say somewhere around the late 00's, things like iPhone, FB, Twitter, etc...started to make the web a lot more....homogenized.

It was fine for the old hands - we've seen this kind of thing before and more corporate rule was all too expected. We've been through a few migrations and paradigm shifts already. But we could still use our skills, go to the sites we wanted, curate RSS feeds, find the weird bits of the 'net that were still worthwhile tuning into and keeping the polished stuff at arms length.

But then things like StumbleUpon went away and for more and more people totally new to technology (but born into it) they think social media == "the internet" (Which is a depressing notion, having your entire idea of "technology" being something like BigCompany's tablet/phone connected to BigCompany's data gathering site to mediate your entire online experience.) Blogging became "uncool". And of course, very few people, most especially younger people, seem to know about things like RSS.

I used to use StumbleUpon and then it dried up; has anyone used Mix? Or is there something better to use for discovering the weird and the wonderful?

How do you find the weird corners of the net these days? Where have all "The Others" gone to?


I asked a related question here - the one about Boing Boing,, Dangerous Minds:

I'd say somewhere around the late 00's, things like iPhone, FB, Twitter, etc...started to make the web a lot more....homogenized.

It was fine for the old hands - we've seen this kind of thing before and more corporate rule was all too expected. We've been through a few migrations and paradigm shifts already. But we could still use our skills, go to the sites we wanted, curate RSS feeds, find the weird bits of the 'net that were still worthwhile tuning into and keeping the polished stuff at arms length.

But then things like StumbleUpon went away and for more and more people totally new to technology (but born into it) they think social media == "the internet" (Which is a depressing notion, having your entire idea of "technology" being something like BigCompany's tablet/phone connected to BigCompany's data gathering site to mediate your entire online experience.) Blogging became "uncool". And of course, very few people, most especially younger people, seem to know about things like RSS.

I used to use StumbleUpon and then it dried up; has anyone used Mix? Or is there something better to use for discovering the weird and the wonderful?

How do you find the weird corners of the net these days? Where have all "The Others" gone to?

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