I feel so nasty if I don't wash my hands after using the bathroom.
I'm not a germaphobe, but I refuse to touch bathroom handles. I will grab a paper towel and use it to turn on and off the faucet and open the bathroom door.
I feel so nasty if I don't wash my hands after using the bathroom.
I'm not a germaphobe, but I refuse to touch bathroom handles. I will grab a paper towel and use it to turn on and off the faucet and open the bathroom door.
Meet eric111189 eric111189 has his life together Be more like eric111189
I'm sure they will and if they don't.... Eh? It's not a big deal
Oh, oh, oh! Can I finally do the Celebi event in Pokemon Crystal. For those who don't know, the only way you could get a Celebi in the original Pokemon games is if you had a Japanese flip phone (I'm pretty sure that included the Keitai) and went to a Pokemon Mobile phone system thingy, then did some stuff in the Pokemon Center and one of the nerses will give you the GS ball. But this system only worked on Japanese cartridges.
Four words: Sonic the Hedgehog One
No. Some rando found the comments in my profile and are down voting all my comments. Lol I don't care though. If they get gratification for it I hope they're happy.
I was an emotional teenager who thought "life was too chaotic". I've grown fond of the name over the years, so I still use it to this day.
I swear I'm the only person in the world who has heard of the game "Threads of Fate" for the PlayStation 1. It's the most underrated game I've ever played and deserves more love than it has ever gotten.
I love watching Lets Plays and HCBailly is the best let's player. His quality has only gone up over the years and his consistent upload schedule leaves nothing to be desired. He's under rated and deserves 3 million subs.
I've never actually heard anyone call it X before, unless they were making a joke about the whole thing. Everybody I know still calls it Twitter. Calling it X is just embarrassing.
If they own a house, make at least 100k a year and can support their family comfortably, I would consider that wealthy. My father is in this bracket and he goes on vacations over seas, owns 3 relatively expensive vehicles, and still saves enough for retirement.
You don't need a million dollars to live a rich, fulfilling life.
CD players/walkmans. Wearing your headphones and jamming out music on your CD player makes you 10X cooler in my eyes.