
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 8 hours ago

Wheel of Time book series.

Got way into it when I was younger, got them as soon as new ones came out but after re-reading the first like 10 books multiple times and the repetitive descriptions, the long journey just killed it for me before it got more wrapped up in the later books. Still love it when I go to try and reread it, just get flustered out around book 7. Would love to just be able to do the entire run now with that same enthusiasm I had before, like finding a great show with lots of seasons to binge.

[–] 2 points 11 hours ago

You're not misremembering. I remember seeing it on there "podcast" or whatever it is where they talked about it extensively and I believe louis chimed in with a video going over it.

[–] 6 points 11 hours ago

Actually think that's a rather apt description. Entertainment companies already went after Dish when they had an "AutoHop" commercial feature which included basically a streaming server from your home it would download and be accessible through (link). Kinda interesting because I didn't know Dish was thinking ahead and had a pre-setup package for people wanting to remote stream home content.

[–] 21 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I always thought the "see something, say something" tag-line was creepy as fuck and don't understand why everyone doesn't get the same vibe. It's common sense that if you see someone being harmed or in a harmful situation you speak up. But this is just a blanket "see something" which feels like a dog whistle for all the nosy and paranoid people to spy on everyone and it's for the best. I guess we'll have the same personalities in search algorithms going forward -_-

[–] 12 points 5 days ago (5 children)

Yeah, but it's not Youtube making the content I guess is my problem. Everyone is mostly here because of all the Reddit crap, doing the EXACT same thing google did to videos with youtube. No one here is completely fine with a "Reddit Premium Account!"^tm^ I patron a few creators so I help with what I can, I will not join the youtube "member" additional fee. I also have been trying to branch out to creators that upload to multiple sites, it can be a little bit of a pain like figuring out Lemmy and how everything works but obviously it's better than sticking with a company gouging and controlling content on their platform for profit.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Those sponsor spots absolutely blow my mind. They're there, forever in the video no matter how times it's viewed. That's a lot of trust to have in an advertising relationship, both the creator (who is basically tattooing a person in a portrait they're painting with an ad) and company have to determine if it's enough compensation based on..... feels I guess lol. I'm pretty sure there is some after data but how do you know which videos take off or not? Then if there's any controversy, whole things a mess and I hope they get a lot for it.


Been slowly running into more results from DDG that seem to have some "personal parameter" or difference in search results. I had a search saved from some months ago, went to check it for some references and got new hits involving local organizations that had nothing to do with the search. Opening up a private browser I see that the searches aren't 100% matching up either.

I see this as only getting worse, I want to be able to enter a search and it searches for my query. Not based on my personality or whatever info is being collected. Does anyone know a search engine that's reliable and focuses on giving the same results and doesn't try this "personalized" crap?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

lol your mistype makes it look like you're trying to set a legal precedence to collect insurance by claiming it was yourself drilling the hole in your head.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

maybe it would look like a reverse snowfall underwater if the ice is buoyant? I imagine if the ice stayed at the bottom it would be interesting evolution wise since most things survive the cold by being at the bottom.

[–] -2 points 1 week ago

tried actually having a conversation with the person, they're just unresponsive to actual discussion.

[–] -2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

oh wow, ok. Thought you posted links for actual discussion and would've been interested in someone reading through wanting to talk about it lol. This just a copy/paste warrior kinda thing you're doing? Weird way to try to insult back after everything you posted, thanks for letting me know not to continue the conversation!

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

they didn't say a bank specifically,

I had to pay student loans in another country, but my bank blocked the credit card transactions because they were foreign. The only other way was cryptocurrency with a tiny fee, or a bank transaction with 10% plus 50$ fees. Guess which one I picked.

Gift cards that act like credit/debit cards are harder to get than they used to be. I think all of the mainstream ones require identification or linking to a previous bank account per regulation now

The prepaid card issuer is required by law to verify your identity for most types of prepaid accounts. You may be asked to provide your full name, street address (no P.O. boxes), date of birth, and Social Security number, taxpayer identification number, or another identification number. (link)

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

Felt inspired. Be gentle, please make any salty comments or downvotes in comic form.


cross-posted from:

cross-posted from:

I wanted to share and highlight this video for others to see. This is such a thorough and amazing resource for the dev team at Frost Giant (the makers of Stormgate) that I hope they have seen. The breakdown and walk-through of the different elements of the game was such an amazing thing to watch.

I found myself sitting there watching for hours, this is exactly what game companies need in terms of experienced game tester leads that can articulate and explain everything going on in the game from the perspective of an average player. I think if every game company had someone of this caliber, to sit down with them and go over the basic mechanics of the games, we would all be a lot better off. I felt like I was sitting in on a company meeting while an outside contractor was going over his notes with the developers and trying to understand their vision while giving his unique and experienced position.

I'm definitely more excited about the game than I was previously after watching this video (as confusing as that might seem). It shows a clear path of how to fix and enhance the gameplay which has a chance to come into fruition with the game still in the testing phase.


cross-posted from:

I wanted to share and highlight this video for others to see. This is such a thorough and amazing resource for the dev team at Frost Giant (the makers of Stormgate) that I hope they have seen. The breakdown and walk-through of the different elements of the game was such an amazing thing to watch.

I found myself sitting there watching for hours, this is exactly what game companies need in terms of experienced game tester leads that can articulate and explain everything going on in the game from the perspective of an average player. I think if every game company had someone of this caliber, to sit down with them and go over the basic mechanics of the games, we would all be a lot better off. I felt like I was sitting in on a company meeting while an outside contractor was going over his notes with the developers and trying to understand their vision while giving his unique and experienced position.

I'm definitely more excited about the game than I was previously after watching this video (as confusing as that might seem). It shows a clear path of how to fix and enhance the gameplay which has a chance to come into fruition with the game still in the testing phase.


I wanted to share and highlight this video for others to see. This is such a thorough and amazing resource for the dev team at Frost Giant (the makers of Stormgate) that I hope they have seen. The breakdown and walk-through of the different elements of the game was such an amazing thing to watch.

I found myself sitting there watching for hours, this is exactly what game companies need in terms of experienced game tester leads that can articulate and explain everything going on in the game from the perspective of an average player. I think if every game company had someone of this caliber, to sit down with them and go over the basic mechanics of the games, we would all be a lot better off. I felt like I was sitting in on a company meeting while an outside contractor was going over his notes with the developers and trying to understand their vision while giving his unique and experienced position.

I'm definitely more excited about the game than I was previously after watching this video (as confusing as that might seem). It shows a clear path of how to fix and enhance the gameplay which has a chance to come into fruition with the game still in the testing phase.


I ran into an old movie I had on VHS as a kid titled "MegaForce" (1982) (RT link). I hadn't seen the movie in decades and was worried looking at a rotten tomato score of 6% that if I watched it, I would be completely disappointed in the movie as an adult. Surprisingly, I didn't realize as a kid that it was actually more of a spoof comedy action movie like a knock-off "Hot Shots" or "Naked Gun" and just completely enjoyed watching it again because it felt like a whole new experience (definitely better than the new G.I. Joe's lol).

So what's your movie from your past that you'll always enjoy no matter how cheesy or horrible it may seem?


I've been seeing more often (and others have posted the same) that some of the elements of "Reddit etiquette" seem to be taking over here. Luckily I can still find discussion comments but it seems the jokes and general "downvote because I disagree" are slowly taking over.

So the question becomes is it the size or the functionality of the site? The people or popularity? What's your thoughts?

edit: should I change it to Lemmy-hivemind? Exhibit A: the amount of downvotes without a single explanation (guessing it's anything to do with Reddit being talked about).


I just wanted to use my voice to let everyone know about this since it seems to be something they want to Streisand effect. I made a discussion on the stormgate steam page about how their EULA has a bad link to their privacy policy and asked why the information listed in the policy is being collected. It had to go through the review process since it contained links and then after being posted was deleted from my history after an hour (I guess when someone actually laid eyes on it)

For the full details I already made a post in the privacy community asking if this was a common occurrence. I'm attempting to reach out through other avenues for some type of explanation but just getting crickets or brick walls. Please use caution and common sense when downloading and consenting to agreements from game companies.

The highlights if you don't feel like clicking the link:

In particular, we have collected the following categories of personal information from consumers within the last twelve (12) months:

A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers.

A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information.

Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.

Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer's interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.

Physical location or movements.


Rather peeved about all of this. Been waiting for this game for ages and was excited about the F2P aspect then found out a lot of elements of the game are locked behind paywalls making the full game costing way over most AAA games. Ok, lets roll on anyways and see what the game has to offer. Then I get to the privacy policy and realize they're using anti-cheat services to monitor your game, I continued reading the user agreement and then had to find their actual privacy policy page because they have it listed under a different url then what they have posted. Some Highlights from the user agreement:

You may not host, provide or develop matchmaking services for the Product, or intercept, emulate or redirect the communication protocols used by Frost Giant in any way, for any purpose, including without limitation unauthorized play over the internet, network play (except as expressly authorized by Frost Giant), or as part of content aggregation networks.

You may not organize, promote or participate in an esports competition for the Product which has not been licensed by Frost Giant.

You may not play on another user's Account

In order to safeguard its licensing rights, when you are using the Product, Frost Giant may monitor your hardware random access memory (RAM)

You understand that the mere presence of unauthorized cheat software on your device, whether or not you use that unauthorized software while playing the Game, may result in Frost Giant exercising its full rights under this Agreement.

Acknowledgments. You acknowledge that:

  • The Game which is the object of the Alpha or Beta Test is a work in progress and may contain bugs which may cause loss of data and/or damage to your computer system;
  • You have, or will, back-up your hard drive prior to installation of the Beta;
  • You have the resources necessary to easily reinstall the operating system for the computer system that you will use to take part in the Alpha or Beta Test as well as to restore any and all data that may be lost;

It just goes on and on with some really sketchy stuff, then I get to the privacy policy:

Your contact information/identifiers, such as your name, your gamer id, mailing address, email address, employer, primary language, country, social media credentials. preferred games and date of birth. If you contact us by telephone, we will also retain your telephone number.

Your geolocation data, if your device settings allow us to collect such information.

Your account preference information, such as your contact, communication and marketing preferences.

Your device and browsing information, including non-personally identifiable information about your phone, tablet, computer or device and online browsing activity, which may be automatically collected. This may include IP addresses, unique identifiers, cookie identifiers, browser language, device and browser settings and broad location-based information, and internet service provider information. It may also include information about when and how you accessed and used our Sites, how you navigated to our Sites (such as the date and time of your visit), the links you clicked, the websites you visited before and after our Sites, and what you searched for while on our Sites.

Analytics & Interest-Based Ads. We partner with third parties (like sponsors, content providers, and analytics companies) to help us improve our Services and better understand how you interact with them, as well as to support our marketing initiatives and ad campaigns. These companies may collect info from you automatically in connection with your visit.

And the really scary part

In particular, we have collected the following categories of personal information from consumers within the last twelve (12) months:

  • A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, Social Security number, driver's license number, passport number, or other similar identifiers.
  • A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver's license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information.
  • Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
  • Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer's interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.
  • Physical location or movements.

Third party service providers. - From time to time, Frost Giant may need to transmit your personal data to vendors or service providers that enable us to market, sell, or deliver our services. These service providers may require certain personal information in order to perform specific services on our behalf, such as cloud service and data storage, beta testing, tech support to enhance game operations, chat, customer support, social login, fulfillment and shipping, email and newsletter delivery, conducting surveys, payment processing, tournament operation, anti-cheat and fraud prevention, web hosting or web analytics. Such partners include:

Epic Online Services
Easy Anti-Cheat 
Kakao Games

I've stopped playing previous games that use these tactics and programs because there's just too many other games that don't require these that are available. This was a game I was hoping to get back into with some RTS friends I've made along the way, Is this just the way of the world or something to avoid?


Sorry for the vague question but I'm hoping there's a lot I"m missing. I know I can edit the side bar, icon, and banner. Make the community public or private and there's a "mod posting only" option. But is that it?

Some things I'm wondering about,

  • can I turn downvotes off or is that an instance only thing? (fan community, off topic would just be removed)
  • Is there any other way to manipulate the community page like backgrounds etc?
  • Flair's or post tags? Any community settings I looked over?
  • Allowing or disallowing bots (again is this an instance thing?)

I'm fine with what it is, just wanted to make sure there wasn't more I was missing with my options in the community.

Bonus question, besides crossposting and the "new communities" community sections, is there anything else I should do with a fresh community?


I know some companies offer 90-day returns etc, but what item would you think everyone would benefit from if it was an industry standard to have a test drive like new cars?

My nitpick would be microwaves. I have tried picking out what I thought was decent microwaves in the past but it's hard to know exactly how it functions without using it. For instance, my microwave has an express button (30 seconds) or a minute plus button. You can only use one of them, if you've hit the minute button the express button doesn't let you add 30 seconds while it's active and vice versa. Also the beeping, even if you hit the stop button and open the door when it gets to 0 seconds, it still goes through it's "I'm done" beeping which is loud and repetitive making you stop it at 1 second and still having to click cancel which makes noise. So what's your choice?

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