
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Eyeball every single purchase the Israeli government makes. If they start buying Zyklon B or any of its precursors, and building showers in these camps, then we know. I guess when they said "Never again" after WW2 they meant "Never again, to us."

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Disney winning sets a precedent that will ultimately lead to vigilante justice by necessity.

If Disney wins, then our “justice” system does not work and cannot be trusted, thus leading people to doing what they need to just to survive when every company starts using that clause to prevent us from holding them responsible for anything at all.

And if that's the case, I guess I need to dig out my mask and cape, and get back to work as a crime fighter.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

We literally created the Electoral College as DEI for slave states. It went hand-in-hand with the infamous "3/5ths Compromise" that allowed slavers to cast ballots in the names of their slaves, so slavers could cast as many votes as they had slaves.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Exactly. Conservatives hold as their highest values, conformity, compliance, cohesion, authority, sanctity, and tradition. They love adhering to their established norms and standards rather than challenging them. They defer to those whom they view to be in a position of authority. They have lines they do not want crossed, things they hold sacred. To be called "weird" is to be called as existing outside the norm.

[–] 15 points 1 month ago

Shame that that is literally the best and likely the only recourse we have. Seems like these are huge gaping loopholes we should have closed decades ago.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

They are a real group. They're part of a coalition with the White Women for Harris, who raised between $2-$8 million for Kamala Harris. Pantsuit Nation is rising up and New Balance Kingdom is going to match their work.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I've read her book "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man" and I have to say, the insight it gave into how Donald Trump came to be was astounding for such a short book. It's 250 pages, but well worth the read.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I don't think that's true. The "left" as I understand it, is a largely heterogenous, loosely united coalition of all kinds of different factions beset by a mountain of conflicting interests and decades of infighting. Some factions are united by choice, and others are there because they would have died out once the USA became consumed by the dominant two-party system we currently languish under.

The Right isn't like this, or at least it's not as bad. Despite having just as many if not more factions with just as many if not more differences and conflicting interests, they value loyalty and in-group cohesion, which keeps them coming together every 4 years to form a surprisingly unified front. It also helps that they all fucking hate anyone even slightly left of center and most will vote for a Republican they despise over a Democrat they kinda sorta like on a personal level.

Consider your average Democratic Senator/Representative. They lean left on many things and have the backing of party leadership. To win their election, they need two things, votes and funding. They know that there are many things their voter base is passionate about, such as healthcare reform, police reform, campaign finance reform, housing and income inequality, and so on. They know their voter base has no hope of ever getting these things from Republicans, but unfortunately they are things that the donor class tends to despise. When faced with the challenge of appealing to all the different factions of the left while staying within the good graces of the wealthy donor class, the Democrat will pivot away from "policy" and focus more on "process". Generally uncontroversial things like bipartisanship, decorum, and compromise. They don't really take stances on wedge issues unless they run in a solid blue district where they can take that stance and not break up the coalition or lose donor support.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Honestly if we could get space elevators figured out, the best place to put solar panels would be in the upper atmosphere. Tethered to the ground by massive columns that feed the energy they collect to massive capacitors on the ground?

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

This. Part of the reason we are in this mess now is that Obama won. The fact that we dare put a black man in the WHITE House, for not 4 but 8 years, broke their tiny little racist brains. They dogged him for every little thing they could, spent 8 years blocking, obstructing, bad faith arguing, and outright refusing to collaborate with a black man.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

Like, who do they think they can replace him with, huh? They got a dark horse waiting in the wings? Or are they cooking up the perfect President in a secret cloning lab somewhere?


They do this all the time. Maybe Biden should call their bluff, execute his powers as Commander in Chief, and order the National Guard in Texas to turn on State Police.

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