I hate how good SwiftKey's autocorrect is. I'm definitely on the hunt for a good alternative in this thread.
Thunder is a good analog to those of us coming from Relay!
If by remote control DND, you mean setting your phone's DND status from your watch, check out SimpleWear.
Why's that?
This doesn't seem targeted towards actually privacy-conscious people. There's too much abstraction and funneling you through their services. I think it's targeted to people who think they want to be private but don't know any better.
You're spot on. I pay enough to YouTube TV for NFL games. I wasn't paying any more for this one.
How do you set the Roku's DNS server?
It's ok I don't actually think the customizable remote comes with any TV or box. You have buy it after market from their site.
You have to have the remote with the 1 and 2 buttons. Then just press and hold them and it should give you the option to assign an action like launching an app.
Do you need any other Apple devices to make good use of an Apple TV?
This is the answer!
for the win!