Bonus Panel: chomp
Huge and widespread, yet low-quality and ineffective. Kind of disturbing and amusing at the same time.
Legitimately never thought of using a lightsaber to, well, light anything. Like set something on fire. They melt stuff, though, so I guess they're pretty hot.
How unsurprising. There will be no consequences for the federal government, even if this information should become common knowledge.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.
There's an Indian food buffet right next to where I work and it's really good. I went there a few times... but the last time I did, I got sick. Like, projectile vomiting sick. Not sure I wanna go back. ^_^;
A miserable pile of content.
We continue to invest significant resources to proactively stop fake reviews,
What a fucking joke, LOL.
I hate big tech. I hate big tech.
Hard to choose a favorite (Stupendium did a fantastic Spamton song, Ad Infinitium), but the Undertale album Determination by RichaadEB and Amie Waters definitely ranks up there.
Rich's red side features explosive and intense metal covers of the iconic battle music. Ace's blue side features chilling atmospheric and electronic renditions of each of the area themes, as well as a few other tracks. Together the two sides make up Determination
Gaia Online is still alive, believe it or not.