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[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

the DLC are pricey, but they're also proper, old school expansions adding lots of content that actually enhances the game.

it's perfectly playable without the DLC, and there's a LOT of DLC-sized mods on the workshop!

kind of a fundamental problem with modern DLC: they generally don't get cheaper over time (remember when that was an actual thing? not just sales, but actually lower prices for older games?).

if you keep up with the releases it's super okay at about 20/25€ once a year, maybe twice, bur if you're late to the party it's a whole lot of cash all at once!

exactly why paradox introduced a subscription for Stellaris' DLCs at 10€/month... honestly kinda worth it, if you know you're just gonna play for a while and then move on...still wish stuff would just get cheaper at some point again...

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 5 points 3 weeks ago

least that's supposed to deliver explosive surprises!

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

well, rimworld does have a focus on (micro)management and strategy!

if your pawns are constantly down due to raiders, then you need better defenses! ...or tame a herd of animals and release those at your enemies! (rhinos work very well for this!)

there are tons of little optimizations you can make to efficiently run a colony. for example, social fights: you can keep those from happening by keeping the problematic pawns in different areas! or removing one or both of their tongues! or sending one on basically permanent caravan missions! etc., etc.

this kind of deep strategizing, combined with the random bullshit the game throws at you, is mostly why people love rimworld!

and mods... definitely get mods! that's where the game reeeaaally shines!

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

re: rimworld

it's really important to read the messages and the little bits (like the logs when a social fight occurs) to really get immersed in the story!

might be worth watching some YouTubers playing to see what i mean!

hazzor usually does a good job of getting into the story, so does ambiguousAmphibian

but as the others said: if it's really not for you, then it's just not for you!

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 2 points 2 months ago

you are right!

i did actually forget about that when commenting, and thanks for the added info!

however, that's not exactly what i was talking about:

assuming normal or better soil you need less work (i.e. time spent working the fields) per unit of nutrition when moving from rice->potato->corn because of yield.

so your pawns spend less time planting and harvesting, which results in higher overall colony productivity since they can do other stuff in-between, like cooking, cleaning, mining, etc.

you are correct in that you should choose which plant you use based on the soil first, and according to productivity second!

i just wasn't really considering soil quality when writing the comment...

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

when starting a new game:

-set up a stockpile:

indoors, preferably shelves, but that's a goal to work towards

-stockpile some food:

starting with a talented grower makes early game easier. rice is best in the beginning, when it's beginning to stockpile switch to potatoes, when those stockpile to corn. each step requires less work by your pawns, leaving more time for other stuff.

-get a ranged weapon and some defenses

some bows if there's nothing else. first raid is alwaysa single melee guy, that's scripted, afaik. setup some sand bags or embrasures. walls/corridors to limit the range enemies can shoot at you.

-get batteries

super important! difficult to have a reliable food supply without those!

-get a freezer

also super important because of the above!

-set up a prison

last on the list, not that high of a priority...but still, get some more people!

and then do pretty much what you want...once early game is done, get some research done, plant some cotton, some herbal meds, set up a little medical area, etc.

this should get you to mid game fairly reliably!

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

yes, in the sense that they have negative elevation ;)

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Meaning what?

meaning the models training data is what lets you work around or improve on that bias. without the training data, that's (borderline) impossible. so in order to tweak models and further development, you need to know what exactly went into the model, or you'll spend a lot of wasted time guessing around.

I omitted requirements on freely sharing it as implied, but otherwise?

you disregarded half of what makes an AI model. the half that actually results in a working model. without the training data, you'd only have some code that does...something.

and that something is entirely dependent on the training data!

so it's essential, not optional, for any kind of "open source" AI, because without it you're working with a black box. which is by definition NOT open source.

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago (3 children)

all models carry bias (see recent gemini headlines for an extreme example), and what exactly those are can range from important to extremely important, depending on the use case!

it's also important if you want to iterate on a model: if you use the same data set and train the model slightly differently, you could end up with entirely different models!

these are just 2 examples, there's many more.

also, you are thinking of LLMs, which is just one kind of model. this legislation applies to all AI models, not just LLMs!

(and your definition of open source is...unique.)

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 7 points 4 months ago (5 children)

that's not how this works.

YOU made the claim, YOU back it up.

I'm not doing your homework for you.

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (7 children)

Doesn't work.

[citation needed]

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

I'd say it's worth a watch!

kinda gives a different perspective on the world it's set in (until the end, where it gets very "the boys"-like, but not in a bad way)

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