WeChat is forced / very much encouraged by the Chinese government for.... reasons. No such entity will be doing the same for the dreaded X-app, so this is going to fail spectacularly.
Because the rich make the rules, they are not going to go against their self-interests. It is not that hard to comprehend.
Duvel, Belgium's premium beer. Duvel translates to Devil, the beer most preferred by Joe Cocker and the reason he wouldn't return to Belgium because it would be the end of him. Looking back he had a point. (1944-2014)
He eliminated my choice to use Twitter when he bought it. I actually have to thank him for breaking my bird habit.
My main OS since Linux Mint 17.3, and still very happy with it. Switched from MacOS after a 10 year Apple stint and haven't regretted it for even a second. My hardware needs were much cheaper if anything.
Like an onion or like a cake?
Nooooo! Not an upstanding citizen like Laurent, hasn't worked a day in his life but used military budget to redecorate his castle.... buuut anyway...
Edit:Seeing that the title is not matching the article. Get it right, OP!
I have neither an ex nor a new partner. I'm the master of my domain. what's a boy to do?
Nothing wrong with that suit, looking awesome!
Have 2 normal NUCs and one with a discreet GPU: very disappointing they end the NUC line. My favorite form factor for PC's
after they bailed on Tenet.
Wise decision. That was a mess of a movie. And no, it's clear I don't worship at the altar of Nolan.
Now that's a captain I want to have a drink with. Actually both captains and multiple drinks.