joined 11 months ago
[–] 58008@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

Anhedonia, i.e. the inability to feel pleasure. It's like trying to fill a bucket with water that has a hole in the bottom, letting the water out at the same speed it goes in. Nothing you can do about it. I think this might be where the recklessness comes from; desperation to get any kind of sensation from something. You need to go to extreme lengths to get the proverbial dial to move a millimetre. So you take risks and reach for danger and generally inappropriate behaviour.

[–] 58008@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago

RedCandleGames is on my very short list of 'instabuy' developers. The way they were treated by GOG is why I don't buy from that store anymore.

[–] 58008@lemmy.world 48 points 2 weeks ago (13 children)

I was denied a mathematics education, for real. I can't even do long division, nevermind that squiggly F shit. I thought that stuff was only for astrophysicists.

I want to learn basic maths, but I'm in a 'learned helplessness' mindset where I can't even get through basic sums and equations intended for children (I'm old as fuck now).

I was diagnosed with autism a few years back, which kinda made no sense. I would have expected rainman powers, but numbers just don't jive with my cunt of a brain. Maths is as inscrutable to me as people's faces or social cues.

[–] 58008@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

The screenshot is from an amazingly-funny short film called Kung Fury. You can watch it for free on Steam:


[–] 58008@lemmy.world 47 points 3 months ago (3 children)

The world's smallest violin could not be reached for comment.

[–] 58008@lemmy.world 1 points 3 months ago

Congratulations, completing a game and getting it out the door is no mean feat!

[–] 58008@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Greatly appreciate the 2FA improvement! I can finally enable it now without locking myself out, which happened every time I tried to enable it previously.

However, in true Fediverse fashion, they've made it 122.6% more complicated than it needs to be. Why contain all of the relevant information in a button pointing to a highly specific protocol? I had to manually copy and paste the button's URL into Notepad++ and cut the parts I needed from it. Why not just give the secret or a QR code like literally every other implementation of 2FA that has ever existed? I've never seen such a button before on any other website when I wanted to switch on 2FA, even on Mastodon they use a QR code and/or the secret key.

And no backup codes? 🤔

I sound like a complainy complainer, but I'm genuinely happy/grateful I could enable 2FA. I'm just a n00b who worries about people even n00bier than I am trying to figure it out.


[–] 58008@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Possession (1981)

Most of the movie is about

spoilera couple and their young son going through a divorce, along with severe bouts of mental illness and destructive behaviour. Enough of it that it would earn the "horror" genre tag on its own.


I was watching a film yesterday (went in blind) and during the opening credits I saw something along the lines of "Special effects artist for the Creature". I had no idea the movie was going to have a creature in it before reading that, so when it was eventually revealed later in the film I was kinda annoyed that I knew it was coming. Would have been pretty cool to have it sprung on me out of the blue, because there were no hints during the preceding part of the film that anything supernatural or weird was happening.

It got me thinking about what other films contain spoilers in the opening credits. Do you have any other examples?

[–] 58008@lemmy.world 23 points 4 months ago (3 children)

What's truly sad about this is that the same people who would buy golden sneakers from Trump will have already lost one or both of their feets to the diabeesus.


What are the consequences of not severing it? I imagine you'd have the weirdest bellybutton on earth if nothing else.


[–] 58008@lemmy.world 22 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Donald thinks I'm a complete cunt, wouldn't piss on me if I were on fire atop Obama's presidential bed in a Russian hotel. He considers me to be worse than Hunter Biden's laptop.

Just saying.

[–] 58008@lemmy.world 10 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I see Big Kiwi is at it again.


We get novelisation of films, but what about plays? I know I can freely read his plays anywhere online, but surely reading a script is less ideal than reading a novelised version written for people who were born sometime after Bach, assuming you're not planning a word-for-word performance yourself of course.

I don't even enjoy reading the scripts for my favourite films, and I understand all of the words, phrasings and allusions in those. With Shakespeare, I need to do a 4-year college course just to know what the fuck he's on about.

This isn't me being anti-intellectual, I respect anyone who can read through Shakespeare and enjoy it, it's more about life being too fucking short and I'd like to experience the stories in a less torturous manner if possible.

If this has been attempted, can you recommend any authors?



By way of an example, I was eating a salad which had raw onions in it. I then took a sip of Coke. The combination of the two flavours was amazing, but I know that if someone handed me an onion-infused Coke, I'd find it horrid.

What the hell is the difference?


I was reading about the crypto bro who was convicted of fraud recently, but his sentencing isn't going to happen until March 2024. Why does it take so long?



I'll get the ball rolling:

Dead Man's Shoe (2004)

Sounds like a tearjerking tale of a recently-bereaved man returning the shoe of a road accident victim he found in a bush to the victim's late wife, through which they spark a deep friendship that goes beyond mere love. PG-13 5/10 Oscar-bait shite.


Could we, in theory, use something like CRISPR to give a new baby replacement super-kidneys (or whatever organ it is that makes drinking saltwater be a bad time)? It seems like if we cracked that, we'd be set as a species.

Thanks for your time.

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