Lemmy Português

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Esta é o Lemmy Português, uma instância de Lemmy direcionada a utilizadores e comunidades Portuguesas, ou de Língua Portuguesa.
Servidores disponibilizados pela WebTejo.


Para o bom funcionamento deste espaço, existem regras e um código de conduta que deve ser sempre seguido.

  1. Respeita todos e mantém uma atitude acolhedora. Isto implica não recorrer a insultos, humilhações, ataques pessoais, etc. Sê tolerante.
  2. Publicação ou ameaças de publicação de informações privadas (doxxing, mensagens diretas, etc) é estritamente proibido.
  3. Usa linguagem percetível por todos e uma gramática correta. Este espaço pretende ser inclusivo, e isso só é possível se todos formos capazes de comunicar bem.
  4. Nada de conteúdo NSFW.
  5. Qualquer conteúdo de teor traumático, perturbador ou que conte o enredo de algum livro, filme, série ou jogo deve ser marcado como tal e escondido (spoiler).
  6. É inaceitável tentar passar por uma outra pessoa.

Por fim, usa senso comum.

O incumprimento de qualquer uma destas regras resultará num aviso. Caso o problema persista, o utilizador será banido.

ℹ️ Estas regras serão expandidas e um documento de código de conduta redigido, na comunidade Regras, quando o Lemmy suportar melhores controlos de moderação para comunidades.

Registo de contas e criação de comunidades

Devido ao aparecimento de trolls e de contas automáticas que poluem a rede com conteúdo indesejado, o registo de novas contas foi restringido, sendo agora necessário não só um endereço de correio eletrónico, como o preenchimento de uma pequena "candidatura" que terá que ser aprovada por um administrador antes da conta ser ativada.

Pelo mesmo motivo, a criação de comunidades está sujeita a uma restrição semelhante. Será necessário fazer uma publicação na comunidade Meta, com título e corpo adequados, para requisitar a criação de uma nova comunidade.

Por fim, é igualmente possível requisitar a posição de moderador numa das comunidades originais ou numa que não possua nenhum moderador ativo. Em qualquer dos casos, haverá um processo de avaliação antes da promoção, por motivos de segurança.

Para mais informações, deves ler a barra lateral da comunidade Meta.


Esta instância corre num servidor da WebTejo, uma empresa de alojamento web independente e nacional. Deem uma vista de olhos 😉

Ajudar a correr esta instância


O servidor onde a instância está alojada custa ~10€/mês. Eu consigo cobrir parte dos custos, mas para garantir o seu suave funcionamento, é necessária algum auxílio. Ninguém se deve sentir no dever de doar o que seja, porém àqueles e àquelas que têm a possibilidade e a vontade, qualquer ajuda é muito bem-vinda :)

Eis a página de LiberaPay onde é possível fazer um donativo: https://liberapay.com/lemmy.pt/
Num futuro próximo vai ser estabelecido um repositório com registos mensais de donativos e despesas, de modo a existir maior transparência no financiamento da instância. Fiquem atentos.


Existe uma sala na rede Matrix dedicado a esta instância de Lemmy. Aqui, além de discussões sobre a instância, os administradores vão publicando avisos relativamente a problemas técnicos e interrupções de serviço. Junta-te a #tuga-lemmy:matrix.org para participares na conversa!

Existem também outras salas portuguesas que podes ver aderindo ao espaço #espacotuga:matrix.org.

Também é possível entrar em contacto com os administradores através das mensagens privadas da plataforma, ou por correio eletrónico.

Traduzir o Lemmy

Sendo apologistas do movimento de software livre e da ideia de redes federadas, temos contribuído para o projecto através da tradução para Português. Este processo é realizado através da instância de Weblate (uma ferramenta de tradução, também ela livre) do projecto Lemmy, e que pode ser econtrada em https://weblate.join-lemmy.org Qualquer sugestão de tradução é bem-vinda!

Discussão sobre a tradução do projecto pode ser feita na sala de Matrix acima referida, ou, alternativamente, numa outra sala sobre tradução em geral, em #tuga-traducao:matrix.org

Qualidade do serviço


É possível consultar o "uptime" do serviço em https://estado.lemmy.pt.

founded 3 years ago

A YouTube prankster who was shot by one his targets told jurors Tuesday he had no inkling he had scared or angered the man who fired on him as the prank was recorded.

Tanner Cook, whose “Classified Goons” channel on YouTube has more than 55,000 subscribers, testified nonchalantly about the shooting at start of the trial for 31-year-old Alan Colie, who's charged with aggravated malicious wounding and two firearms counts.

The April 2 shooting at the food court in Dulles Town Center, about 45 minutes west of Washington, D.C., set off a panic as shoppers fled what they feared to be a mass shooting.

Jurors also saw video of the shooting, recorded by Cook's associates. The two interacted for less than 30 seconds. Video shows Cook approaching Colie, a DoorDash driver, as he picked up an order. The 6-foot-5 (1.95-meter-tall) Cook looms over Colie while holding a cellphone about 6 inches (15 centimeters) from Colie's face. The phone broadcasts the phrase “Hey dips—-, quit thinking about my twinkle” multiple times through a Google Translate app.

On the video, Colie says “stop” three different times and tries to back away from Cook, who continues to advance. Colie tries to knock the phone away from his face before pulling out a gun and shooting Cook in the lower left chest.

Cook, 21, testified Tuesday that he tries to confuse the targets of his pranks for the amusement of his online audience. He said he doesn't seek to elicit fear or anger, but acknowledged his targets often react that way.

Asked why he didn't stop the prank despite Colie's repeated requests, Cook said he “almost did” but not because he sensed fear or anger from Colie. He said Colie simply wasn't exhibiting the type of reaction Cook was looking for.

“There was no reaction,” Cook said.

In opening statements, prosecutors urged jurors to set aside the off-putting nature of Cook's pranks.

“It was stupid. It was silly. And you may even think it was offensive,” prosecutor Pamela Jones said. “But that's all it was — a cellphone in the ear that got Tanner shot.”

Defense attorney Tabatha Blake said her client didn't have the benefit of knowing he was a prank victim when he was confronted with Cook's confusing behavior.

She said the prosecution's account of the incident “diminishes how unsettling they were to Mr. Alan Colie at the time they occurred.”

In the video, before the encounter with Colie, Cook and his friends can be heard workshopping the phrase they want to play on the phone. One of the friends urges that it be “short, weird and awkward.”

Cook's “Classified Goons” channel is replete with repellent stunts, like pretending to vomit on Uber drivers and following unsuspecting customers through department stores. At a preliminary hearing, sheriff's deputies testified that they were well aware of Cook and have received calls about previous stunts. Cook acknowledged during cross-examination Tuesday that mall security had tossed him out the day prior to the shooting as he tried to record pranks and that he was trying to avoid security the day he targeted Colie.

Jury selection took an entire day Monday, largely because of publicity the case received in the area. At least one juror said during the selection process that she herself had been a victim of one of Cook's videos.

Cook said he continues to make the videos and earns $2,000 or $3,000 a month. His subscriber base increased from 39,000 before the shooting to 55,000 after.


A YouTube prankster who was shot by one his targets told jurors Tuesday he had no inkling he had scared or angered the man who fired on him as the prank was recorded.

Tanner Cook, whose “Classified Goons” channel on YouTube has more than 55,000 subscribers, testified nonchalantly about the shooting at start of the trial for 31-year-old Alan Colie, who's charged with aggravated malicious wounding and two firearms counts.

The April 2 shooting at the food court in Dulles Town Center, about 45 minutes west of Washington, D.C., set off a panic as shoppers fled what they feared to be a mass shooting.

Jurors also saw video of the shooting, recorded by Cook's associates. The two interacted for less than 30 seconds. Video shows Cook approaching Colie, a DoorDash driver, as he picked up an order. The 6-foot-5 (1.95-meter-tall) Cook looms over Colie while holding a cellphone about 6 inches (15 centimeters) from Colie's face. The phone broadcasts the phrase “Hey dips—-, quit thinking about my twinkle” multiple times through a Google Translate app.

On the video, Colie says “stop” three different times and tries to back away from Cook, who continues to advance. Colie tries to knock the phone away from his face before pulling out a gun and shooting Cook in the lower left chest.

Cook, 21, testified Tuesday that he tries to confuse the targets of his pranks for the amusement of his online audience. He said he doesn't seek to elicit fear or anger, but acknowledged his targets often react that way.

Asked why he didn't stop the prank despite Colie's repeated requests, Cook said he “almost did” but not because he sensed fear or anger from Colie. He said Colie simply wasn't exhibiting the type of reaction Cook was looking for.

“There was no reaction,” Cook said.

In opening statements, prosecutors urged jurors to set aside the off-putting nature of Cook's pranks.

“It was stupid. It was silly. And you may even think it was offensive,” prosecutor Pamela Jones said. “But that's all it was — a cellphone in the ear that got Tanner shot.”

Defense attorney Tabatha Blake said her client didn't have the benefit of knowing he was a prank victim when he was confronted with Cook's confusing behavior.

She said the prosecution's account of the incident “diminishes how unsettling they were to Mr. Alan Colie at the time they occurred.”

In the video, before the encounter with Colie, Cook and his friends can be heard workshopping the phrase they want to play on the phone. One of the friends urges that it be “short, weird and awkward.”

Cook's “Classified Goons” channel is replete with repellent stunts, like pretending to vomit on Uber drivers and following unsuspecting customers through department stores. At a preliminary hearing, sheriff's deputies testified that they were well aware of Cook and have received calls about previous stunts. Cook acknowledged during cross-examination Tuesday that mall security had tossed him out the day prior to the shooting as he tried to record pranks and that he was trying to avoid security the day he targeted Colie.

Jury selection took an entire day Monday, largely because of publicity the case received in the area. At least one juror said during the selection process that she herself had been a victim of one of Cook's videos.

Cook said he continues to make the videos and earns $2,000 or $3,000 a month. His subscriber base increased from 39,000 before the shooting to 55,000 after.

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