[first time question.jpg]
"Hypocrisy dwells in the soul," or to use another quote:
Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) —Walt Whitman
When last I followed the topic, there is a body of science supporting this. The summary of it is: people like to think of the human brain as being integrated, when it's more of a duct-tape-and-bailing-wire artifact of evolution. Shit got bolted into place over millions of years of evolution. So while things are connected, the parts don't all necessarily work in unison, especially in morally complex situations or when we feel threatened. It all exists to get us laid and propagate our genetic code. All other consideration are secondary from the perspective of DNA.
And folks, this is why it's critical that we work on ourselves, study philosophy even if only cursorily, and understand interpersonal dynamics, Instead of tearing each other down, we could be investing energy into lifting up each other.
Edit: formatting. As an aside, how do I get single line breaks in Jerboa/Lemmy? Single CRLFs are ignored.