In February 2021, after lobbying by its own employees, NASA removed a bust of another Nazi scientist, Wernher von Braun, the lead engineer in developing the Third Reich’s rocket technology who, after the war, worked for the United States Army and then NASA itself.
Good memes, bad memes, unite towards a united front.
overlaid with a translucent image of spongebob visibly distressed wide eyes and screaming.
Did not see this until it was pointed out. Great captioning!
How to use OCRBot?
alt text: 1960's nasa scientest after he shouted heil hitler as a joke but half the room stood to attention.
image description: spongebob squarepants sitting calmly at a desk with a computer smiling, overlaid with a translucent image of spongebob visibly distressed wide eyes and screaming.
[p.s i will try to be more consistent with alt text in the future camarade]
i dont know how to use ocr sorry.
URL image text
1960s NASA scientist after he
shouted heil Hitler as a joke but
half the room stood to attention
This action was performed by a bot.
Why so late?
Relevant: [](Tom Lehrer - Wernher von Braun)