I've had epilepsy since I was a teenager and honestly I've had excellent treatment on the whole since then - with the odd minor bad experience which I put down to badly trained staff.
I consider myself very lucky to live in a country where the medications I have to take are free because I imagine if I lived in somewhere like America I'd be paying through the nose. My wife is also disabled so we're both very grateful given our situation.
I worked in the private sector for a number of years analysing hospital data, and now work directly for the NHS. Most people have an understanding that they're working for something that's more special than just any other office based job and that's really good to see.
Everyone wants it to work but as usual, its future is in the hands of the politicians and given recent history I'm not convinced they have the competency to turn things around without passing the buck and getting the private sector to do a lot of the work for them. Time will tell...