RIP. Thanks for all the knowledge. As an aside, I thought I was looking at a picture of Chevy Chase at first.
Give it a few months
As per his request, his funeral will be held at the Hadron collider.
Where his body will be accellerated to near light speed before it is collided with the anti-Higgs.
Too soon.
Rest in peace, Boss(on) man. Some hefty contributions to our understanding of quantum physics, and all around a good civilized man.
He looks like Saul from Oceans Eleven
Well now that he's dead we're gonna find it.
The Higgs Boson was actually discovered by a team using the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in 2012.
Wait. Really? I always hear about how it's impossible and whatnot.
It was, and then we went and built an impossible machine to find it.
I'm still cheesed it's not unanimous that Roger Penrose is the greatest living physicist.
Like., I'm pretty sure even Hawking says it's Penrose, he just never got his name on something household famous.
Penrose like Linus Pauling went down the crackpot road which damaged his reputation.
Pauling went around news programs claiming mega doses of vitamin C would cure cancer.
Penrose got into "quantum mind" crackpottery.