Explain pls.
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using my vive pro, steamvr and steam link, what else do I need to explain
I didn't know the Vive pro's passthrough was that good.
it is not good by any means. like 600x600 resolution
Wait, really? I'm surprised it's that low-res. I woulda thought it'd be more expensive to get a couple camera sensors that low res than to buy a couple 10mp sensors or something (I would think sensors that low res were totally obsolete and not really made anymore, making higher res sensors cheaper)
i've just done extensive research on the cameras, it seems the cameras output just 480x320 resolution, and their max is apparently 640x480. and its not a good framerate either, like, way under 30fps. what made it hard was ifixit couldnt find any identifications on the sensors in their teardown.
could be "good" sensors but low bandwidth settings. some cameras you can actually set (as the manufacturer) what/how it's sensing in the firmware
How well does the steam deck handle VR? I hadn't even considered using it for that, that's pretty cool.
it doesn't, its connected to a pc
Very cool :3
Top tier post! Is there any way to turn off the display of the Deck? Would he great to only use the VR for that...
only if its connected to another monitor externally
A Quest 3?